
Hehnen, Fladerer, Mols, & Frey: Shaping EU Attitudes through Identity Leadership: Investigating Pro-EU and EU-Skeptic Identity Narratives

Cruwys, South, Halford, Murray, & Fladerer: Measuring “we-ness” in couple relationships: A social identity approach

Human-Robot Teams and Team Virtuality

State-of-the-Art in Neurotechnology for Brain-Body Performance and Health

Kipfelsberger, Braun, Fladerer, & Dragoni: Developing authenticity: A quasi-experimental investigation

Leidy Cubillos-Pinilla supervised Benedikt Schulz' fantastic thesis

Maskor, Fladerer, Fong, Steffens & Haslam: The fish can rot from the heart, not just the head: Exploring the detrimental impact of transgressions by leaders at multiple levels of an organization

Dutz, Hubner, Peus: When agency “fits” regardless of gender: Perceptions of applicant fit when job and organization signal male stereotypes

Introducing Artificial Intelligence in Teams

Fladerer, Pircher Verdorfer & Zwarg: Ethically-oriented Leadership in Organizations: Current Research and Future Developments