Arij Briki, M.Sc.
Office hours: by appointment (e-mail preferred)
Room: Leopoldstr. 139, 3rd Floor, Room 307
Fon: +49 89 289 24053
Fax: +49 89 289 24093
Arij Briki joined the Chair of Research and Science Management in September 2023. She works as a research associate in the TUM Neurophysiological Leadership Lab (TUM NeLeLab). She completed her Bachelor’s degree in medical engineering at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen followed by a Master’s degree in the elite Neuroengineering program at the Technical University of Munich.
Her current research focuses on exploring leadership behavior and leadership perception in virtual reality environments using physiological measures. Her aim is to contribute to the field of organizational neuroscience by providing an empirical definition for existing leadership theoretical and qualitative frameworks.
Short Bio
Since 08/2023 | PhD Candidate, TUM School of Management, Munich |
2023 | M.Sc in Neuroengineering, Technical University of Munich, Germany |
2022 | Working Student at the Clinical Center of Excellence, TÜV Süd, Munich, Germany |
2021 | Research Internship at the Translational NeuroTechnology Lab, TUM Kliniken, Munich, Germany |
2020 | B.Sc in Medical Engineering, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Germany |
2020 | Working Student in the Research and Development team, BEC GmbH, Pfullingen, Germany |
2019 | Research Internship and Bachelor Thesis in the Biomedical Micro and Nano Engineering group, NMI Natural and Medical Sciences Institute, Reutlingen, Germany |