
Hagerer (2024). Digitale Transformation im Wissenschaftsmanagement - Wie Instrumente organisationalen Lernens helfen, Barrieren und Widerstand zu überwinden.

Gengler, Hagerer, & Gales (2024). Diversity bias in artificial intelligence.

Anely Bekbergenova presented at the EURAM conference at the University of Bath.

Brzykcy, Rönkkö, Boehm, & Goetz (2024). Work–family conflict and strain: Revisiting theory, direction of causality, and longitudinal dynamism.

The chair's thesis students present their research

Martin Fladerer participates in small group meeting at the University of Brussels

2024 Annual Meeting – The Academy of Management – Chicago

Top Cited Article 2022-2023 - Personnel Psychology - Dr. Regina Hagl and Prof. Dr. Claudia Peus

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium 2024

Institute for LifeLong Learning at MMK