
The chair's thesis students present their research

Dr. Cubillos-Pinilla aims for the continuation and initiation of joint research projects

Schnack, Fladerer, & Schnitzler: Ein Plädoyer für die Komfortzone [engl. Call for the Comfort Zone]

Fladerer, Drozdzewski, Hauser, Lermer, Kuonath, & Frey: Matching by value congruence for high-quality mentoring: evidence from a student peer mentoring program

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The First Conference Organised by the Organisational Neuroscience (NEU) Interest Group

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium 2023

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Dissertation Defence: Rules are made to be broken! The role of rule-breaking in entrepreneurship: evidence from behavioural, cognitive and neuroscience approaches

Georganta, Peus, & Niess: Interactive technologies through the lens of team effectiveness: an interdisciplinary systematic literature review