PD Dr. habil. Kristin Knipfer

Office hours: by appointment (please e-mail)
Room: Leopoldstrasse 139, 3rd Floor, Room 305

E-Mail: kristin.knipfer (at) tum.de
Fon: +49 89 289 24089
Fax: +49 89 289 24093

Dr. Kristin Knipfer joined the TUM School of Management in 2012. In her research projects, she focuses on leaders as catalysts of learning and innovation in organizations: For instance, she examines how leaders may facilitate - or disrupt - learning of teams and their members in manifold contexts, such as entrepreneurship, academia, and large corporates. She also investigates how leaders’ personal development can be facilitated by means of systematic self-reflection, feedback seeking, and goal-setting. Her research findings were published in academic and practitioner outlets, such as The Leadership Quarterly, Applied Psychology, Studies in Higher Education, and the Journal of Management Education.

In 2020, she successfully completed her habilitation about „Leadership, Learning, and the Knowledge Organization“. Since November 2020 she is Executive Director of the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning, where she is responsible for the design of evidence-based leadership and talent development programs for academic leaders and science managers. As a leadership development expert and senior lecturer for leadership in academia and business, she has created and delivered innovative teaching formats that are backed up by research evidence, including the digital leadership coach EMMA  and the TUM Leadership Toolbox , developed together with Dr. Anna Brzycky and Dr. Johanna Platter.


Short Bio


Executive Director (Leadership and Talent Development), TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning


Senior Research Fellow, Research Group Teamwork | Leadership | Digital Age


Head of Research, Center for Digital Leadership Development

11/2020 Habilitation („Leadership, Learning, and the Knowledge Organization“), TUM School of Management
01/2012 – 10/2020 Deputy Head, Chair of Research and Science Management, TUM School of Management

Head of the Research Lab Leadership | Learning | Innovation

  Program Director Leadership and Research Management Development Program

03/2018 – 08/2018

Visiting Researcher at the Institute for Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship, Vienna University of Economics and Business

02/2009 – 01/2012

Research Fellow and Project Leader (Research Lab “Knowledge Construction with Digital Technologies”)


Scientific Adviser to the Executive Board (Strategic Development und Knowledge Transfer), Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien, Tübingen


Ph.D. (summa cum laude), School of Information Sciences and Cognitive Sciences, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen

08/2008 – 01/2009

Junior Research Associate (Research Lab “Knowledge Exchange with Digital Technologies”), Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien, Tübingen

08/2005 – 07/2008

PhD Fellow of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Graduate School “Knowledge Acquisition and Knowledge Exchange with New Media”, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen

06/2005 - 07/2005

Research Fellow, Chair of Educational Psychology and Media Psychology, Universität Regensburg


Diploma in Psychology, Universität Regensburg


Peer-reviewed publications and conference proceedings

Rehbock, S. K., Hubner, S. V., Knipfer, K., & Peus, C. V. (2023). What kind of leader am I? An exploration of professionals' leader identity construal. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 72, 559–587. https://doi.org/10.1111/apps.12389

Zeyda, M., Stracke, S., Knipfer, K., & Gloor, P. A. (2023). Your body tells more than words–predicting perceived meeting productivity through body signals. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1080/1359432X.2022.2162881

Klement, P., Auktor, G., Pal, T., Olivetti, E., Blondaut, J., Birn, L., Anding, M., & Knipfer, K. (2023). A Strategic Framework for Achieving Sustainability and Resilience in Global Supply Chains. Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Georganta, E., Stracke, S., Brodbeck, F., Knipfer, K., & Shawn Burke, C. (2022). Shedding Light on Team Adaptation: Does Experience Matter? Small Group Research. Online First. https://doi.org/10.1177/1046496422113220

Schmid, E., Knipfer, K., & Peus, C. (2021). Narcissistic leaders–Promise or peril? The patterns of narcissistic leaders’ behaviors and their relation to team performance. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 2511. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.660452

Knipfer, K., & Kump, B. (2021). Collective rumination: When ‘problem talk’ impairs organizational resilience. Applied Psychology: An International Review. Online First. DOI: 10.1111/apps.12315.

Rehbock, S. K., Knipfer, K., & Peus, C. (2021). What got you here, won’t help you there: changing requirements in the pre- versus the post-tenure career stage in academia. Frontiers in Psychology. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.569281

Krys, S., Otte, K.-P., & Knipfer, K. (2020). Academic performance: A longitudinal study on the role of goal-directed rumination and psychological distress. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping. Online First. DOI: 10.1080/10615806.2020.1763141.

Rehbock, S., Pircher Verdorfer, A. & Knipfer, K. (2019). Rate my professor: Implicit leadership theories in academia. Studies in Higher Education. Online First. DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2019.1696765

Knipfer, C., Wagner, F., Knipfer, K., Millesi, G., Acero, J., Hueto, J. A., & Nkenke, E. (2019). Learners’ acceptance of a webinar for continuing medical education. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 48, 841–846. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijom.2018.11.010

Knipfer, K., Schreiner, E., Schmid, E., & Peus, C. (2018). The performance of pre-founding entrepreneurial teams: The importance of learning and leadership. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 67(3), 401–427. DOI: 10.1111/apps.12126

Knipfer, K., Shaughnessy, B., Hentschel, T., & Schmid, E. (2017). Unlocking women’s leadership potential: A curricular example for developing female leaders in academia. Journal of Management Education, 41(2), 272–302. DOI: 10.1177/1052562916673863

Sparr, J. L., Knipfer, K., & Willems, F. (2017). How leaders can get the most out of formal training: The significance of feedback-seeking and reflection as informal learning behaviors. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 28(1), 29–54. DOI: 10.1002/hrdq.21263

Breuer, G., Knipfer, C., Huber, T., Huettl, S., Shams, N., Knipfer, K., Neukam, F. W., Schuettler, J., & Stelzle, F. (2016). Competency in managing cardiac arrest: A scenario-based evaluation of dental students. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 74, 241–249. DOI: 10.3109/00016357.2015.1042782.

Knipfer, K., Shaughnessy, B., Hentschel, T., & Schmid, E. (2015). Leading in academia: A curricular example for developing women scientists for leadership roles. Academy of Management Proceedings, 1/2015. DOI: 10.5465/ambpp.2015.197

Peus, C., Braun, S., & Knipfer, K. (2015). On becoming a leader in Asia and America: Empirical evidence from women managers. The Leadership Quarterly, 26, 55-67. DOI: 10.1016/j.leaqua.2014.08.004

Knipfer, K., Kump, B., Wessel, D., & Cress, U. (2013). Reflection as catalyst for organisational learning. Studies in Continuing Education, 35, 30–48. DOI: 0.1080/0158037X.2012.683780

Kump, B., Knipfer, K., Pammer, V., Schmidt, A., Maier, R., Kunzmann, C., Cress, U., & Lindstaedt, S. (2011). The role of reflection in maturing organizational know–how. In W. Reinhardt, T. D. Ullmann, P. Scott, V. Pammer, O. Conlan, & A. Berlanga (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st European Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Learning Networks, Vol. 90, pp. 30–45. RWTH Aachen: ceur–ws.org/Vol–790/.

Pammer, V., Knipfer, K., Krogstie, B., Wessel, D., Prilla, M., & Lindstaedt, S. (2011). Reflective learning at work–A position and discussion paper. In W. Reinhardt, T. D. Ullmann, P. Scott, V. Pammer, O. Conlan, & A. Berlanga (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st European Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Learning Networks, Vol. 790, 46–55). RWTH Aachen: ceur–ws.org/Vol–790/.

Prilla, M., Knipfer, K., Degeling, M., Cress, U., & Herrmann, T. (2011). Computer support for collaborative reflection on captured teamwork data. In W. Reinhardt, T. D. Ullmann, P. Scott, V. Pammer, O. Conlan, & A. Berlanga (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st European Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Learning Networks, Vol. 790, 56–61. RWTH Aachen: ceur–ws.org/Vol–790/.

Knipfer, K., Prilla, M., Herrmann, T., & Cress, U. (2011). Computer support for collaborative reflection on captured teamwork data. In H. Spada, G. Stahl, N. Miyake, & N. Law. (Eds.), Connecting Computer–Supported Collaborative Learning to Policy and Practice: CSCL2011 Conference Proceedings. Volume II — Short Papers & Posters (pp. 938–939). Hongkong: International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc.

Knipfer, K., Mayr, E., Zahn, C., Schwan, S., & Hesse, F. W. (2009). Computer support for knowledge communication in science exhibitions: Novel perspectives from research on collaborative learning. Educational Research Review, 4, 196–209. DOI: 10.1016/j.edurev.2009.06.002

Knipfer, K. (2007). Knowledge acquisition and opinion formation at science museums: The potential of a discussion terminal for collaborative elaboration on controversial issues. In C. Chinn, G. Erkens, & S. Puntambekar (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Conference (pp. 845–847). New Brunswick, NJ: International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc.

Knipfer, K., Zahn, C., & Hesse, F. W. (2007). Demonstration of a discussion terminal for knowledge acquisition and opinion formation in science museums. In C. Chinn, G. Erkens, & S. Puntambekar (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Conference (pp. 376–378). New Brunswick, NJ: International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc.

Practitioner-oriented articles and book chapters

Dutz, R., Knipfer, K., Peus, C. (2023). Führung in der Wissenschaft. In Felfe, J. & van Dick, R. (Hrsg.), Handbuch Mitarbeiterführung. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-55213-7_69-1

Knipfer, K. (2023). Walking the talk – wie evidenzbasiert ist Führungskräfteentwicklung an Universitäten wirklich? Personal in Hochschule und Wissenschaft entwickeln, 1, 15–16.

Knipfer, K., Rehbock, S., & Hubner-Benz, S. (2022). Wie sehen sich Professor*innen in ihrer Führungsrolle: Ausprägungen der Führungsidentität und Ansatzpunkte für eine gezielte Führungskräfteentwicklung in der Wissenschaft. Personal in Hochschule und Wissenschaft entwickeln, 5, 79–91.

Knipfer, K., Dutz, R., & Peus, C. (2022). Verantwortungsvoll Führen: Destruktive Führung in der Wissenschaft und Ansätze zur Förderung von Führungskompetenzen. Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung in Einrichtungen der Lehre und Forschung, 1+2, 39-42.

Hauser, A., Knipfer, K., & Peus, C. (2022). Lebenslanges Lernen - Lebenslanger Wissens- und Kompetenzerwerb und die essentielle Rolle der Hochschulen. In: P. Spiegel, A. Pechstein, A.  Grüneberg, A. Ternès von Hattburg (Hrsg.). Future Skills - 30 zukunftsentscheidende Kompetenzen und wie wir sie lernen können (S. 268 - 273). München: Vahlen.

Schreiner, E., Knipfer, K., Schmid, E., & Münch, T. (2020). Neues Lernen – Anforderungen an eine zukunftsfähige Personalentwicklung. [New Ways of Learning: Future Trends in Professional Development]. Personal in Hochschule und Wissenschaft entwickeln, 1, 17–29.

Otte, K., Knipfer, K., & Schippers, M. (2019). Team reflection: A catalyst of team development and the attainment of expertise. Oxford Handbook of Expertise (pp. 1–24). Oxford University Press, UK. Online First.

Gazdag, B. A., & Knipfer, K. (2018). Erfolgreiche Verhandlungsführung im Wissenschaftsalltag: Eine Frage des Geschlechts? [Negotiating effectively in academia: A question of gender?]. Personal in Hochschule und Wissenschaft entwickeln, 5/2018, 103–113.

Knipfer, K. (2018). Teamreflexion: Schlüssel für erfolgreiche Teamarbeit. [Team reflection: Key for effective teamwork]. Personal in Hochschule und Wissenschaft entwickeln, 2/2018, 115–121.

Knipfer, K. (2017). Wissenschaftliche Exzellenz durch mitarbeiterorientierte Führung [Research excellence by means of people-oriented leadership]. Wissenschaftsmanagement, 5/6, 10.

Peus, C., Knipfer, K., & Schmid, E. (2017). Effektive Führung steht im Zentrum. In M. Lemmens, P. Horváth, & M. Seiter (Eds.), Wissenschaftsmanagement – Handbuch und Kommentar (pp. 32–45). Bonn, Germany: Lemmens Medien GmbH.

Schmid E., Knipfer K., & Peus C. (2017). Führend forschen und forschend führen–Empirische Ergebnisse zur Führung in der Wissenschaft [Leading in science: Empirical insights into leadership in academia]. In L. Truniger (Ed.), Führen in Hochschulen (pp. 123–132). Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Gabler.

Braun, S., Peus, C., Frey, D., & Knipfer, K. (2016). Leadership in academia: Individual and collective approaches to the quest for creativity and innovation. In C. Peus, S. Braun, & B. Schyns (Eds.), Leadership lessons from compelling contexts (Monographs in Leadership and Management, Volume 8, pp. 349-365). Bingley, UK: Emerald.

Peus, C., Knipfer, K., & Schmid, E. (2016). Erfolgsfaktor effektive Mitarbeiterführung [Leadership - A key success factor]. Wissenschaftsmanagement, 1/2016, 20–23.

Knipfer, K., & Peus, C. (2015). Evidenzbasierte Förderung von Führungskompetenzen als Erfolgsfaktor für Wissenschaftseinrichtungen [Evidence-based leadership development - A success factor in research organizations]. Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung in Einrichtungen der Lehre und Forschung, double issue 2+3, 61-64.

Schmid, E., Knipfer, K., & Peus, C. (2015). Wissen alleine reicht nicht. Förderung von Selbst(lern)kompetenzen in der Führungskräfteentwicklung: Executive-MBA-Ausbildung an der TUM School of Management [Knowledge alone is not enough. Fostering self-development of leaders: Executive education at the TUM School of Management]. PERSONALFÜHRUNG, 1, 50–57.

Böhler, D., Knipfer, K., & Bücken, O. (2014). Hands-on entrepreneurship education with interdisciplinary teams. University–Industry Innovation Magazine, 3, 22–25.

Cress, U., Knipfer, K., & Moskaliuk, J. (2014). Lernen und Wissensaustausch in Organisationen: Individuelle und kollektive Ansätze–Einführung. [Learning and knowledge processes in organizations: Individual and collective approaches–Introduction]. In U. Cress, F. W. Hesse, & K. Sassenberg (Eds.), Wissenskollektion. 100 Impulse für Lernen und Wissensmanagement in Organisationen [Knowledge Collection. 100 impulses on learning and knowledge management in organizations] (pp. 1–4). DOI: 10.1007/978–3–658–02927–2. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Knipfer, K., Scholl, A., & Kump, B. (2014). Lernen durch Reflexion: Lösungsansätze für die Zukunft [Reflective learning: Novel approaches]. Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell. Zeitschrift für Personal und Management, 3, 19–23.

Knipfer, K. (2014). Erfolgreiche Misserfolge? [Successful failures?]. In U. Cress, F. W. Hesse, & K. Sassenberg (Eds.), Wissenskollektion. 100 Impulse für Lernen und Wissensmanagement in Organisationen [Knowledge Collection. 100 impulses on learning and knowledge management in organizations] (pp. 10–11). DOI: 10.1007/978–3–658–02927–2. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Knipfer, K. (2014). Erfahrung macht klug! [Learning from experience!]. In U. Cress, F. W. Hesse, & K. Sassenberg (Eds.), Wissenskollektion. 100 Impulse für Lernen und Wissensmanagement in Organisationen [Knowledge Collection. 100 impulses on learning and knowledge management in organizations] (pp. 13–14). DOI: 10.1007/978–3–658–02927–2. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Knipfer, K. (2014). Experten–Laien–Kommunikation im Wissensmanagement [Expert–lay person communication in knowledge management]. In U. Cress, F. W. Hesse, & K. Sassenberg (Eds.), Wissenskollektion. 100 Impulse für Lernen und Wissensmanagement in Organisationen [Knowledge Collection. 100 impulses on learning and knowledge management in organizations] (pp. 14–15). DOI: 10.1007/978–3–658–02927–2. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Knipfer, K. (2014). Was und wie lernen Teams? [How and what do teams learn?] In U. Cress, F. W. Hesse, & K. Sassenberg (Eds.), Wissenskollektion. 100 Impulse für Lernen und Wissensmanagement in Organisationen [Knowledge Collection. 100 impulses on learning and knowledge management in organizations] (pp. 16–17). DOI: 10.1007/978–3–658–02927–2. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Knipfer, K. (2014). Durch Führung gezielt Teamreflexion unterstützen [Facilitating team reflection through leadership]. In U. Cress, F. W. Hesse, & K. Sassenberg (Eds.), Wissenskollektion. 100 Impulse für Lernen und Wissensmanagement in Organisationen [Knowledge Collection. 100 impulses on learning and knowledge management in organizations] (pp. 21–22). DOI: 10.1007/978–3–658–02927–2. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Knipfer, K. (2014). Transaktive Gedächtnissysteme und Wissensmanagement [Transactive memory systems and knowledge management]. In U. Cress, F. W. Hesse, & K. Sassenberg (Eds.), Wissenskollektion. 100 Impulse für Lernen und Wissensmanagement in Organisationen [Knowledge Collection. 100 impulses on learning and knowledge management in organizations] (pp. 24–25). DOI: 10.1007/978–3–658–02927–2. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Knipfer, K. (2014). Die Führungskraft als “Info–Broker” [The leader as ‘info broker’]. In U. Cress, F. W. Hesse, & K. Sassenberg (Eds.), Wissenskollektion. 100 Impulse für Lernen und Wissensmanagement in Organisationen [Knowledge Collection. 100 impulses on learning and knowledge management in organizations] (pp. 31–32). DOI: 10.1007/978–3–658–02927–2. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Knipfer, K. (2014). Teamentscheidungen verstehen und optimieren [Understanding and optimizing team decision making]. In U. Cress, F. W. Hesse, & K. Sassenberg (Eds.), Wissenskollektion. 100 Impulse für Lernen und Wissensmanagement in Organisationen [Knowledge Collection. 100 impulses on learning and knowledge management in organizations] (pp. 60–61). DOI: 10.1007/978–3–658–02927–2. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Moskaliuk, J., Knipfer, K., & Cress, U. (2012). Das "stille" Wissen der Mitarbeiter nutzen [Make use of the tacit knowledge of your employees]. Wissensmanagement–das Magazin für Führungskräfte, 3, 44–46.

Peus, C., Sparr, J. L., Knipfer, K., & Schmid, E. (2012). Führend Wissen schaffen. Mehr als Einzelmaßnahmen: Zur Bedeutung professioneller Führung [Creating knowledge while leading. More than single methods: The significance of professional leadership]. Wissenschaftsmanagement, 4, 14–17.

Knipfer, K., & Wessel, D. (2010). Science and technology museums as places for critical thinking skill development. In S. D. Grahame (Ed.), Science Education in a Rapidly Changing World (pp. 137–144). New York: Nova.

Wodzicki, K., Knipfer, K., & Cress, U. (2010). Organisationales Wissensmanagement mit Web 2.0 erfolgreich gestalten–Das Portal www.geistreich.de [Creating organisational knowledge management successfully with Web 2.0 – The portal www.geistreich.de]. In M. Bentele, N. Gronau, P. Schütt, & M. Weber (Eds.), Mit Wissensmanagement Innovationen vorantreiben! (pp. 367–376). Bad Homburg: Bitkom.

Mayr, E., Knipfer, K., & Wessel, D. (2009). In–sights into mobile learning: An exploration of mobile eye tracking methodology for learning in museums. In G. Vavoula, N. Pachler, & A. Kukulska–Hulme (Eds.), Researching mobile learning: Frameworks, tools and research designs (pp. 189–204). Oxford: Peter Lang. DOI: 10.3726/978-3-0353-0205-9

Dehler, J., & Knipfer, K. (2008). Lernen und Arbeiten in Gruppen [Learning and working in groups]. In H.–P. Färber (Ed.), Lernen, Erinnern, Vergessen – Erwerb und Verlust kognitiver Fähigkeiten (pp. 283–292). Norderstedt: BoD.

Wessel, D., Mayr, E., & Knipfer, K. (2007). Re–viewing the museum visitors view. In G. N. Vavoula, A. Kukulska–Hulme, & N. Pachler (Eds.), Research methods in informal and mobile learning (pp. 17–23). London: WLE Centre.

Conference presentations

Rehbock, S., Baedorf, S., Schoenecker, K., Pircher-Verdorfer, A., Knipfer, K., & Peus, C. (2021, September). Schlecht geführt? Wahrnehmung geschlechtsspezifischer Unterschiede destruktiver Führung. (Bad leadership: Gender differences in the perception of destructive leadership.) Paper presented at the 12th conference of the section Work-, Organizational- and Business Psychology (AOW) of the German Psychological Society (DGPs) in Chemnitz, Germany.

Georganta, E. & Knipfer, K. (2020, August). The impact of Scrum on Team Processes and Emergent States: A Qualitative Study. In Georganta E. (Chair), Advancing the Understanding of Agility and Agile Methods in Organizations. Symposium presented at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada.

Knipfer, K. (2021). „Ich hatte gute Gründe dafür!“ Warum Mitarbeitende ihr Wissen verbergen. (“I had good reasons for it!”: Why organization members hide their knowledge from others.) Symposium accepted for presentation at the 12th conference of the section Work-, Organizational- and Business Psychology (AOW) of the German Psychological Society (DGPs) in Chemnitz, Germany.

Stracke, S., & Knipfer, K. (2020, August). When teams are caught in discussion circles: Introducing team rumination. Paper presented at the the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada.

Knipfer, K., Schmid, E., & Peus, C. (2020, postponed to 2021, May). Narcissistic leaders and team performance in entrepreneurship: Promise or peril? Paper presented at the 5th Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium (IPLS), Mykonos, Greece.

Zeyda, M., Knipfer, K., Stracke, S., & Gloor, P. A. (2020, cancelled). When your body tells more than words: Predicting perceived meeting productivity through body signals. Paper presented at the EAWOP Small Group Meeting: Using Advanced Technologies and Artificial Intelligence at Work, Frankfurt/Main, Germany.

Egorov, M., Knipfer, K., Schmid, E., Peus, C., & Fischer, P. (2019, September). Digitalisierung und Führungskräfteentwicklung: Herausforderungen erkennen – neue Lösungswege beschreiten. Symposium presented at the 11th conference of the section Work-, Organizational- and Business psychology (AOW) of the German Psychological Society (DGPs) in Braunschweig, Germany.

Knipfer, K., Schmid, E., & Schmelzer, D. (2019, September). Online-Feedback und digitales Coaching zur Förderung des Trainingstransfers. Paper presented at the 11th conference of the section Work-, Organizational- and Business psychology (AOW) of the German Psychological Society (DGPs) in Braunschweig, Germany.

Knipfer, K., Cerne, M., & Den Hartog, D. (2019, August). Novel perspectives on knowledge hiding in organizations. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, USA.

Knipfer, K.*, & Kump, B.* (2019, August). Collective rumination: A new perspective on the role of conversations in organizational learning. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, USA. (*equal contribution)

Knipfer, K., & Schmid, E. (August, 2019). If you take it all, we will hide it! Exploitative leadership, distrust and knowledge hiding in teams. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, USA.

Rehbock, S., Pircher Verdorfer, A., & Knipfer, K. (2019, August). Rate my professor: Implicit leadership theories in academia. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, USA.

Steinberg, U., Knipfer, K., & Peus, C. (2019, July). Why your boss thinks differently of that project: Power influences the evaluation of arguments. Poster presented at the workshop “The role of power and powerholders in organizations: Building bridges between psychology and management”, Zurich, Switzerland.

Knipfer, K., & Schmid, E. (2019, May). If you take it all, we will hide it! Leaders misusing their power fuel distrust and knowledge hiding in teams. Paper presented at the 4th Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium (IPLS), Corfu, Greece.

Rehbock, S., Knipfer, K., Hubner, S., & Peus, C. (2019, May). The role of power in leader identity construal. Paper presented at the 4th Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium (IPLS), Corfu, Greece.

Steinberg, U., Knipfer, K., & Peus, C., (2019, May). How power influences leader information evaluation: Empirical insights based on different theories of power. Paper presented at the 4th Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium (IPLS), Corfu, Greece.

Knipfer, K., Schmid, E., & Peus, C. (2018, September). The promise (and peril) of educational technology for leadership development: Empirical evidence and conceptual ideas. Symposium presented at the 51th Conference of the German Society for Psychology (DGPs), Frankfurt/Main, Germany.

Knipfer, K., Schmid, E., & Schmelzer, D. (2018, September). Boosting the long-term impact of leadership training by digital coaching. Paper presented at the 51th Conference of the German Society for Psychology (DGPs), Frankfurt/Main, Germany.

Mangold, S., Knipfer, K., & Peus, C. (2018, September). It spreads like a virus: Third-party reactions on knowledge hiding in organizations. Paper presented at the 51th Conference of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), Frankfurt/Main, Germany.

Rehbock, S., Knipfer, K., Hubner, S. & Peus, C. (2018, September). Balancing multiple roles as a professor: A typology of academic leaders. Paper presented at the 51st Congress of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), Frankfurt, Germany.

Rehbock, S., Knipfer, K., & Peus, C. (2018, September). Professors’ daily job challenges – A basis for targeted leadership development in higher education. Paper presented at the 51st Congress of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), Frankfurt, Germany.

Rehbock, S., Knipfer, K., Hubner, S., & Peus, C. (2018, August). Born researcher or political influencer? Professorial identity in higher education. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Rehbock, S., Knipfer, K. & Peus, C. (2018, September). Why you should move up like a man, but lead like a lady: Gendered requirements in academic careers. Paper presented at the conference of the Commission Personnel Management (Wissenschaftliche Kommission Personal) of the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB) in Munich, Germany.

Steinberg, U., Knipfer, K., & Peus, C., (2018, September). Why your boss thinks differently of that project: Power influences the evaluation of arguments. Paper presented at the 51th Conference of the German Society for Psychology (DGPs), Frankfurt/Main, Germany.

Rehbock, S., Knipfer, K., & Peus, C. (2017, September). Implizite Führungstheorien in der Wissenschaft – Anforderungsdiskrepanzen zwischen Aufstieg und Erfolg von Führungspersonen. Paper presented at the 10th Conference of the section Work-, Organizational- and Business Psychology of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), Dresden, Germany.

Steinberg, U., Knipfer, K., & Peus, C. (2017, September). Power influences information evaluation: Testing different theories of power. Paper presented at the 16. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie, Ulm, Germany.

Kump, B.*, & Knipfer, K.* (2017, August). Reflection as a catalyst and rumination as a barrier for organizational learning. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia. (*Equal contribution).

Schreiner, E., Knipfer, K., & Schmid, E. (2017, July). How 'who knows what' becomes 'we/I can do it' in nascent entrepreneurial teams: The mediating role of shared leadership. Paper presented at the INGRoup conference, St. Louis, MO, USA.

Knipfer, K., Ertel, N., & Kutschenko, N. (2017, May). The reflective leader: Leadership learning from developmental job challenges. Paper presented at the EAWOP congress, Dublin, Ireland.

Krys, S., Otte, K., & Knipfer, K. (2017, May). Is it really worth it? Looking into the effects of rumination on stress and performance. Paper presented at the EAWOP congress, Dublin, Ireland.

Schmid, E., & Knipfer, K. (2017, May). Focusing on the We: Creating value(s) through leader development. Symposium presented at the EAWOP congress, Dublin, Ireland.

Steinberg, U., Knipfer, K., & Peus, C. (2017, May). Power influences information evaluation: Testing different theories of power. Paper presented at the EAWOP congress, Dublin, Ireland.

Knipfer, K., Schmid, E., & Mangold, S. (2016, September). Ausnutzende Führung und ihre Effekte auf den Wissensaustausch in Arbeitsteams: Ein Mediationsmodell. Symposium presented at the 50th Conference of the German Society for Psychology (DGPs), Leipzig, Germany.

Pircher-Verdorfer, A., Knipfer, K., & Peus, C. (2016, September). Forschen, lehren, führen! Implizite Führungstheorien im Kontext von Wissenschaft und Forschung. Paper presented at the 50th Conference of the German Society for Psychology (DGPs), Leipzig, Germany.

Otte, K., Krys, S., & Knipfer, K. (2016, September). When thinking about the problem impairs solving the problem: Rumination and its effects on stress and performance. Paper presented at the 50th Conference of the German Society for Psychology (DGPs), Leipzig, Germany.

Kump, B., & Knipfer, K. (2016, April). Collective rumination at work: When “talking about the problem” hinders organizational learning and innovation. Paper presented at the Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC) Conference, St. Andrews, UK.

Knipfer, K., Schmid, E., Mangold, S., & Melzer, K. (2015, September). If you take it all – I hide it! The effects of exploitative leadership on followers’ knowledge hiding within the team: A mediation model of distrust. In E. Schmid & S. Braun (Chairs), Man erntet, was man sät – Negative Führung und ihre Folgen (What goes around comes around – Negative leadership and its consequences). Symposium conducted at the Convention of the Industrial & Organizational Psychology Section of the German Association of Psychology (DGPs).

Schmid, E., Knipfer, K., & Peus, C. (2015, September). Die Verhaltensmuster von Narzissten in Führungspositionen und ihr Einfluss auf die Teamleistung: Qualitative Analyse eines kurvilinearen Zusammenhangs. In E. Schmid & S. Braun (Chairs), Man erntet, was man sät – Negative Führung und ihre Folgen (What goes around comes around – Negative leadership and its consequences). Symposium conducted at the Convention of the Industrial & Organizational Psychology Section of the German Association of Psychology (DGPs).

Steinberg, U., Knipfer, K., & Peus, C. (2015, September). Does power or accountability make leaders more effective? Paper presented at the Convention of the Industrial & Organizational Psychology Section of the German Association of Psychology (DGPs).

Knipfer, K., Shaughnessy, B., Hentschel, T., & Schmid, E. (2015, August). Leading in academia: A curricular example for developing women scientists for leadership roles. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Knipfer, K., Shaughnessy, B., Hentschel, T., & Schmid, E. (2015, May). Women’s academic leadership development: A curricular example. Poster session presented at the 17th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Oslo, Norway. 

Steinberg, U., Knipfer, K., & Peus, C. (2015, May). Effects of power on risk perception and leader behavior. Paper presented at the 17th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Oslo, Norway. 

Schreiner, E., & Knipfer, K. (2015, May). Yes we/I can! Shared leadership as mediator of the effect of knowledge specialization on team potency and entrepreneurial self-efficacy in nascent entrepreneurial teams. Paper presented at the 17th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Oslo, Norway. 

Mangold, S., Knipfer, K., & Peus, C. (2015, May). New insights on why and how people hide knowledge from their co-workers: A qualitative interview study. Poster session presented at the 17th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Oslo, Norway.

Mangold, S., Knipfer, K., & Peus, C. (2015, April). Reasons, strategies, and consequences of knowledge hiding: New insights from the hider’s and the seeker’s perspective. Paper presented at the Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC) conference, Milan, Italy.

Knipfer, K., Schreiner, E., Schmid, E., & Peus. C. (2014, September). Unternehmerisch führen: Mehrebenen–Effekte von charismatischer Führung auf Lernprozesse und Leistung in Gründerteams [Multilevel effects of charismatic leadership on learning and performance in entrepreneurial teams]. Paper presented at the 49th Congress of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), Bochum, Germany.

Sparr, J., Knipfer, K., & Willems, F. (2014, September). Proaktiver Trainingstransfer: Zwei Studien zur Bedeutung von Reflexion und Feedbacksuche [Proactive transfer of training: Two studies to explore the significance of reflection and feedback–seeking]. Paper presented at the 49th Congress of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), Bochum, Germany.

Schmid, E., Knipfer, K., Schreiner, E. & Peus, C. (2014, September). Narzissten in Führungspositionen und ihr Einfluss auf die Teamleistung: ein kurvilinearer Zusammenhang [Narcissists as leaders and their effects on team performance: A curvilinear effect]. Paper presented at the 49th Congress of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), Bochum, Germany.

Knipfer, K., Schreiner, E., & Schmid, E. (2014, August). Multilevel effects of charismatic leadership on learning and performance in entrepreneurial teams. Paper presented at the 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

Peus, C., Braun, S. & Knipfer, K. (2013, Oktober). On becoming a leader in Asia and America: Evidence from Women Managers. Presentation at the EAWOP Small Group Meeting on Gender and Diversity in Organizations. Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany.

Knipfer, K., & Moskaliuk, J., Knipfer, C., Stelzle, F., Breuer, G. & Cress, U. (2013, May). How to make reflective learning effective: The significance of contextualization for reflective learning from formal training. Poster session presented at the 16th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Muenster, Germany.

Knipfer, K., Sparr, J.L. (2013, May). The significance of reflection and feedback seeking for transfer of learning in managerial training. In A. Paraskevi Diethert, & S. Kauffeld (Chair), Training: New insights on the long way to successful transfer. Symposium conducted at the 16th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Muenster, Germany.

Wessel, D., Knipfer, K., DeLeeuw, K., Maiden, N., Krogstie, B., & Cress, U. (2013, May). Evaluating informal learning support: Best Practice from MIRROR – Reflective Learning at Work. Paper presented at the 16th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Muenster, Germany.

Krogstie, B., Knipfer, K., Wessel, D., Prilla, M., & Divitini, M. (2012, July). Computer support for reflective learning in the workplace. Paper presented at the International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies and Technology–Enhanced Learning, Rome, Italy.

Balzert, S., Wessel, D., Kleinert, T., Knipfer, K., Fettke, P., & Loos, P. (2012, June). Towards an IT solution to support reflective learning at the workplace. Paper presented at the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Barcelona, Spain.

Knipfer, K. (2011, November). MIRROR–Reflective learning at work. Open Course „Workplace Learning“ at the University of Tuebingen. Chair of Applied Cognitive and Media Psychology, Tuebingen, Germany.

Moskaliuk, J., & Knipfer, K. (2011, November). Reflexion und Evolution von Erfahrungswissen [Reflection and evolution of knowledge from experience]. Paper presented at the 7. Stuttgarter Wissensmanagementtage, Germany.

Kump, B., Knipfer, K., Moskaliuk, J., Wodzicki, K., & Wessel, D. (2011, September). Wissensmanagement im Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis [Knowledge management in science and practice dialogue]. Paper presented at the I–Know, Graz, Austria.

Kump, B., Knipfer, K., Pammer, V., Schmidt, A., Maier, R., Kunzmann, C., Cress, U., & Lindstaedt, S. (2011, September). The role of reflection in maturing organizational know–how. Paper presented at the 1st European Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Learning Networks (EC–TEL), Palermo, Italy.

Pammer, V., Knipfer, K., Krogstie, B., Wessel, D., Prilla, M., & Lindstaedt, S. (2011, September). Reflective learning at work – A position and discussion paper. Paper presented at the 1st European Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Learning Networks (EC–TEL), Palermo, Italy.

Prilla, M., Knipfer, K., Degeling, M., Cress, U., & Herrmann, T. (2011, September). Computer support for collaborative reflection on captured teamwork data. Paper presented at the 1st European Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Learning Networks (EC–TEL), Palermo, Italy.

Knipfer, K., Prilla, M., Herrmann, T., & Cress, U. (2011, July). Computer support for collaborative reflection on captured teamwork data. Poster session presented at the 9th Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Conference, Hong Kong, China.

Knipfer, K., & Wessel, D. (2011, June). Pro oder kontra Nanotechnologie [Pro or con nanotechnology]? Poster session presented at the parliamentary evening of the Leibniz Association ‘Nanotechnologie–Chancen eines Zukunftsfeldes’, dbb Forum, Berlin, Germany.

Knipfer, K., Zahn, C., & Krauskopf, K. (2010, November). Youtube & Co.: Neue Bilderwelten im Internet–Wissenskommunikation mit digitalen Videowerkzeugen [Youtube & Co.: New imagery on the internet–Knowledge communication with digital video tools]. Workshop at the 19th Federal Congress of School Psychology, Hameln, Germany.

Wodzicki, K., Knipfer, K., & Cress, U. (2010, September). Organisationales Wissensmanagement mit Web 2.0 erfolgreich gestalten–Das Portal www.geistreich.de [Organizational knowledge management with Web 2.0– www.geistreich.de]. Paper presented at the 12th Congress on IT–based knowledge management in organizations, KnowTech 2010, Bad Homburg, Germany.

Krauskopf, K., Knipfer, K., & Zahn, C. (2010, April). Innovative Video–Tools im Unterricht (II) [Innovative video–tools at school (II)]. Paper presented at the 11th Symposium ‘Lernen lernen’, BELTZFORUM, Bad Woerishofen, Germany.

Knipfer, K., Krauskopf, K., & Zahn, C. (2010, April). Innovative Video–Tools im Unterricht (I) [Innovative video–tools at school (I)]. Paper presented at the 11th Symposium ‘Lernen lernen’, BELTZFORUM, Bad Woerishofen, Germany.

Knipfer, K. (2008, July). Learning science at museums: A discussion terminal as scaffold for critical thinking and opinion formation about nanotechnology. Paper presented at the 29th International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany.

Wessel, D., Mayr, E., & Knipfer, K. (2007, December). Re–viewing the museum visitors view. Paper presented at the workshop ‘Research methods in informal and mobile learning: How to get the data we really want’, WLE Centre, Institute of Education, London, UK.

Knipfer, K. (2007, November). Discussion terminals as scaffold for critical thinking and reflective judgment about controversial socio–scientific issues. Poster session presented at the workshop ‘Learning in Museums: International Positions’, Knowledge Media Research Center, Tuebingen, Germany.

Knipfer, K. (2007, August). Knowledge acquisition and opinion formation at the museum: The role of a media terminal to support (collaborative) elaboration on controversial issues. Poster session presented at the 10th EARLI JURE Conference, Budapest, Hungary.

Knipfer, K., & Zahn, C. (2007, August/September). Knowledge acquisition and opinion formation at the museum: The role of a media terminal to support (collaborative) elaboration on controversial issues. Poster session presented at the 12th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction EARLI, Budapest, Hungary.

Knipfer, K., & Zahn, C. (2007, August). Knowledge acquisition and opinion formation at the museum: The role of a media terminal to support (collaborative) elaboration on controversial issues. Paper presented at the 12th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction EARLI, Budapest, Hungary.

Knipfer, K. (2007, May). Pro or con nanotechnology? An opinion terminal to support knowledge acquisition and opinion formation at the museum. Workshop ‘Learning in museums: the role of new media’, Munich, Germany.

Stiller, K., Lukesch, H., Berner, M., Bichler, B., & Knipfer, K. (2007, March). Description, didactics and evaluation of an online–course about media psychology. Poster session presented at the 9th International General Online Research Conference, Leipzig, Germany.

Knipfer, K. (2006, October). Knowledge acquisition and opinion formation at the museum: The role of a media terminal to support (collaborative) elaboration on controversial issues. Poster session presented at the workshop ‘CSCL and Group Cognition’, Tuebingen, Germany.

Knipfer, K. (2006, June). The learning potential of an asynchronous discussion tool in informal learning settings. Paper presented at the ICLS 2006 Doctoral Consortium, University of Indiana, Bloomington, USA.

Knipfer, K., Mayr, E., & Hesse, F. W. (2006, March). The role of media for learning in museums. Paper presented at the workshop ‘ICT–supported informal learning in museums and cultural heritage sites: Building the research agenda’, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.

Mayr, E., Knipfer, K., & Hesse, F. W. (2006, March). Learning in museums: Methodological considerations. Paper presented at the workshop ‘ICT–supported informal learning in museums and cultural heritage sites: Building the research agenda’, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.

Workshops and talks for practitioners (selection)

Knipfer, K., & Schmid, E. (since 2014, ongoing). Führend Wissen Schaffen: Führungskompetenz und Führungsstil. Workshop for Senior Scientists and Senior Science Managers, TUM School of Management, Germany.

Schmid, E., & Knipfer, K. (since 2014, ongoing). Effective Leadership and Leadership Development. Regular workshops for the EMBA General Management, EMBA Business & IT, EMBA Innovation & Business Creation, Executive Education, TUM School of Management, Germany.

Knipfer, K. (since 2016, ongoing). Personal Knowledge Management and Knowledge Sharing in Organizations. Expert Development Program, Executive Education, TUM School of Management, Germany.

Knipfer, K., & Schmid, E. (2017, October). Führend Wissen Schaffen für Juniorprofessorinnen, Juniorprofessoren und Nachwuchsgruppenleitende. Universität Hamburg, Germany.

Knipfer, K., & Schmid, E. (2017, October). Leadership Skills in Academia: Leading up, down, and across in "Sandwich Positions". Universität Hamburg, Germany.

Knipfer, K. (2017, June). Leadership development in academia. Invited talk for a visiting delegation of members of the Association of University Administrators, UK, TUM School of Management, Germany.

Knipfer, K. (2017, March). Developing leadership skills in academia. Invited talk at the TUM School of Education, Germany.

Schmid, E., & Knipfer, K. (2016, October). Führend Wissen Schaffen: Führungskompetenz für akademische Führungspersonen. Universität zu Kiel, Germany.

Knipfer, K. (2016, June). Führung als Erfolgsfaktor für Wissenschaftseinrichtungen. Invited Talk, Universität Hamburg, Germany.

Hentschel. T., & Knipfer, K. (2016, June). 360° Leadership. Workshop for Postdoctoral Researchers, Universität Hamburg, Germany.

Schmid, E., & Knipfer, K. (2015, November). 360° Führung für Frauen: Führen "auf Augenhöhe", "nach oben" und "nach innen“. Workshop for Female Senior Scientists and Senior Physicians, Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), Germany.

Schmid, E., & Knipfer, K. (2015, June). Leading in Science. Workshop within the Context of the Karriereförderprogramm für Wissenschaftlerinnen, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany.

Knipfer, K., Shaughnessy, B., Hentschel, T., & Schmid, E. (2014/2015). Academic leadership program: New leadership skills for women. Workshops for Female Professors and Senior Researchers. Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imaging (CUI), Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), and Universität Hamburg, Germany.

Knipfer, K., (2015, January). Förderung von Führungs- und Managementkompetenzen als Erfolgsfaktor für Wissenschaftsorganisationen. Invited talk for the "Netzwerk für Personalentwicklung an Universitäten“, Aschaffenburg, Germany.

Knipfer, K. (2014, November). Effektives Wissenschaftsmanagement. Invited talk at the Jahrestagung des Netzwerks Wissenschaftsmanagement, Munich, Germany.

Peus. C., & Knipfer, K. (2014, November). Führend Wissen Schaffen: Führungskompetenz und Führungsstil. Workshop for Senior Scientists and Senior Science Managers, TUM School of Management, Munich, Germany.

Wodzicki, K., & Knipfer, K. (2014, January). Vorsprung durch Wissen: Professionelles Wissensmanagement in Forschungsprojekten. Workshop for Research and Science Managers, TUM School of Management, Munich, Germany.

Knipfer, K., & Schreiner, E. (2013, June). Kampf–Kompromiss–Konsens: Konflikttraining für WissenschaftsmanagerInnen. Workshop for Research and Science Managers, TUM School of Management, Munich, Germany.

Knipfer, K. (2012, February/March). Effektive Gesprächsführung für WissenschaftsmanagerInnen. Workshop for Research and Science Managers, TUM School of Management, Munich, Germany.

Knipfer, K. (2012, September). Chancen und Herausforderungen für das Wissenschaftsmanagement. Invited talk at the Referententreffen der Fakultäten für Medizin Deutschlands, Munich, Germany.

Knipfer, K. (2012, Juli). Kompetenzentwicklung in der Wissenschaft. Invited talk for the Universitätsverband zur Qualifizierung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses in Deutschland (UniWiND), Hamburg, Germany.

Third Party Funding

  • FührMINT–Geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede in der Wahrnehmung und Bewertung destruktiver Führung in der Wissenschaft, funded by BMBF (Förderbereich Strategien zur Durchsetzung von Chancengleichheit für Frauen in Bildung und Forschung), 2020–2021
  • TUM Research Lab Leadership | Learning | Innovation, funded by Dieter-Schwartz-Stiftung, TUM School of Management, 2018–2021
  • DigiLEAD–Aufbau des Kompetenzzentrums Digitalisierung und Führungskräfteentwicklung (Center for Digital Leadership Development), funded by Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Bildung und Kultus, Wissenschaft und Kunst (Förderprogramm STEPS 2018), 2018–2020
  • FührMINT–Erfolgsfaktoren für Gewinnung und Aufstieg von Frauen in MINT-Führungspositionen in der Wissenschaft, funded by BMBF (Förderbereich Strategien zur Durchsetzung von Chancengleichheit für Frauen in Bildung und Forschung), 2016–2019

Awards and Scholarships


TUM Digital Innovations in Management Education Award awarded by the TUM School of Management Executive Education Center


Richard A. Swanson Research Excellence Award, Shortlist Nomination by the Academy of Human Resource Development


Junior Faculty Best Paper Award awarded by the Academy of Management


Outstanding Reviewer Award awarded by the Academy of Management


Junior Researcher Award for Best Dissertation awarded by the Leibniz Association


Three-Year Doctoral Scholarship awarded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Professional Memberships

  • Academy of Management (AOM)
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs)
  • Deutscher Hochschulverband (DHV)
  • European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI)
  • European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP)


Co-founder and editor of www.wissensdialoge.de

Editor of Personal in Hochschule und Wissenschaft entwickeln–Ein Magazin des duz-Verlags, Berlin.