Prof. Dr. Claudia Peus (Project Management)

Claudia Peus has been Professor of Research and Science Management at Technische Universität München since May 2011, Senior Vice President Talent Management and Diversity since October 2017 and Vice Dean of Executive Education at the TUM School of Management since April 2014. She obtained her Ph.D. from Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich (LMU). Subsequently, she was a Visiting Scholar at the Sloan School of Management (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and a Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard University.
In her research Prof. Peus focuses on effective leadership and leadership development, women in leading positions, research and science management as well as (international) HR management. She uses a combination of laboratory experiments, field studies and cross-cultural comparisons to investigate these areas.
For further information about Prof Dr. Claudia Peus please click here.
E-Mail: claudia.peus(at)
Telefon: +49 (0)89 - 289 - 24090
Dr. Anna Brzykcy (Project Management)

Anna Brzykcy joined the Chair of Research and Science Management in January 2019 as a postdoctoral researcher. She leads the research project „Fördert Fürsorge für Angehörige fürsorgliche Führung?“ together with Prof. Claudia Peus. This project is part of the research network „ForGenderCare“ of the Bavarian Research Alliance (Bayrischer Forschungsverbund). In December 2018 Anna defended her PhD in Management at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland with a dissertation titled, "Comparing workplace experiences of persons with and without disabilities: The role of labeling and work flexibility". She earned her M. Sc. in Psychology from Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.
For further information about Dr. Anna Brzykcy please click here.
E-Mail: anna.brzykcy(at)
Telefon: +49 (0)89 289 24069
Dr. Jamie Gloor (Co-operation Partner)

As of February 2017, Jamie Gloor is a Post-Doc at the Chair of Research and Science Management. She leads the research project „Fördert Fürsorge für Angehörige fürsorgliche Führung?“ together with Prof. Peus, taking over from Dr. Lisa Horvath. This project is part of the research network „ForGenderCare“ of the Bavarian Research Alliance (Bayrischer Forschungsverbund). Jamie earned her PhD in Management and Economics at the University of Zurich in Switzerland with a dissertation titled, "The labyrinth of leadership: Female, family, and career considerations" (summa cum laude). She also earned MA and BA degrees in psychology from Wake Forest University and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in the United States. Together with the team here at TUM, Jamie examines employee diversity (e.g., gender and parenthood) in the context of teams and leadership with career and policy implications.
E-Mail: jamie.gloor(at)
Dr. Lisa Horvath (Co-operation Partner)

Starting with December 2014, Lisa Horvath is a Post-Doc at the Chair of Research and Science Management. After receiving the TUM Foundation Fellowship, she is now a researcher in the project „ForGenderCare“. Dr. Lisa Horvath has studied Psychology at the Universities of Vienna and Graz with a focus on Social Psychology. She earned her Doctoral Degree on the interplay of language, leadership and gender at the University of Bern. Here at TUM together with the team of the chair, Lisa is doing research on gender stereotypes in science and entrepreneurship, as well as on care-roles and leadership.
Prof. Dr. Susanne Braun (Co-operation Partner)

Dr. Susanne Braun received her PhD under supervision of Prof. Dr. Dieter Frey from the Center for Leadership and People Management at LMU Munich, Germany, in 2011. From 2011 to 2015 she managed the research project “Selection and Assessment of Leaders in Business and Academia (sub-project Academia)” together with Prof. Dr. Claudia Peus at TUM School of Management. Since September 2015 she is Senior Lecturer in Leadership at Durham University Business School, and continues her research at the LMU Center for Leadership and People Management.
Her research focuses primarily on ethical leadership, wellbeing of leaders and followers as well as diversity in organizations.
See further information about Prof. Dr. Susanne Braun here.
E-Mail: susanne.braun(at)