Peer-reviewed publications and conference proceedings
Emmerling, F., Peus, C., & Lobbestael, J. (2023). The hot and the cold in destructive leadership: Modeling the role of arousal in explaining leader antecedents and follower consequences of abusive supervision versus exploitative leadership. Organizational Psychology Review.
Cichor, J. E., Hubner-Benz, S., Benz, T., Emmerling, F., & Peus, C. (2023). Robot leadership–Investigating human perceptions and reactions towards social robots showing leadership behaviors. PloS ONE, 18(2).
Cubillos-Pinilla, L., & Emmerling, F. (2022). Taking the chance!–Interindividual differences in rule-breaking. PLoS ONE, 17(10), e0274837.
Rodriguez, G., Sack, A. T., Dewitte, M., Emmerling, F., & Schuhmann, T. (2020). The modulatory role of cortisol in regulating sexual behavior. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 14, 197, epub ahead of print.
Lobbestael, J., Emmerling, F., Brugman, S., Broers, N., Sack, A. T., Schuhmann, T., Bonnemeyer, C., Benning, R., & Arntz, A. (2020). Toward a more valid assessment of behavioral aggression: an open source platform and an empirically derived scoring method for using the Competitive Reaction Time Task (CRTT). Assessment, 1073191120959757, epub ahead of print.
Duering, M., Adam, R., Wollenweber, F., Bayer-Karpisnka, A., Baykara, E., Cubillos-Pinilla, LY., Gesierich, B., Araque Caballero, M., Stöcklein, S., Ewers, M., Pasternak, O., Dichgans, M. (2019). Within-lesion heterogeneity of subcortical DWI lesion evolution, and stroke outcome: A voxel-based Analysis. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 0271678X19865916.
Hubner, S., Benz, T., & Peus, C. (2019). Chancen und Herausforderungen beim Einsatz von Robotern in Führungsrollen. PERSONALquarterly, 03/2019, 28-32.
Palmas, F., Cichor, J., Plecher, D. A., & Klinker, G. (2019, October). Acceptance and Effectiveness of a Virtual Reality Public Speaking Training. In 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) (pp. 363-371). IEEE.
Rodriguez-Nieto, G., Sack, A. T., Dewitte, M., Emmerling, F., & Schuhmann, T. (2019). Putting out the blaze: The neural mechanisms underlying sexual inhibition. PloS one, 14(1), e0208809.
Brugman, S., Lobbestael, J., Sack, A.T., Cima, M., Schuhmann, T., Emmerling, F. & Arntz, A (2018). Cognitive Predictors of Reactive and Proactive Aggression in a Forensic Sample: A Comparison with a Non-Clinical Sample. Psychiatry Research, 269, 610-620.
Rodríguez-Nieto, G., Emmerling, F., Dewitte, M., Sack, A. T., & Schuhmann, T. (2018). The Role of Inhibitory Control Mechanisms in the Regulation of Sexual Behavior. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 48(2), 481-494.
Gross*, J., Emmerling*, F., Vostroknutov, A., Sack, A. T. (2018). Manipulation of Pro-Sociality and Rule-Following with Non-invasive Brain Stimulation. Nature Scientific Reports, 8(1), 1827. [*equal contribution]
Emmerling, F., Martijn, C., Alberts, H. J. E. M., Thomason, A., David, B., Kessler, D., Schuhmann, T., Sack, A. T. (2017). The (non-) replicability of regulatory resource depletion: A field report employing non-invasive brain stimulation. Plos One, 12(3), e0174331.
Yusoufzai, M. Emmerling, F. (2017). How identity crisis, relative deprivation, personal characteristics, and empathy contribute to the engagement of Western individuals in Islamist terrorist behavior: Towards a more comprehensive account of explaining terrorist behavior in Western Muslims. Journal of Terrorism Research, 8(1), 68-80.
Emmerling, F., Duecker, F., Graaf, T. A., Schuhmann, T., Sack, A. T. (2017). Foresight beats hindsight: The neural mechanisms underlying motor preparation in the pro- / anti-cue paradigm. Brain and Behavior, 7(5), e00663.
Emmerling, F., Schuhmann, T., Lobbestael, J., Arnzt, A., Brugman, S. & Sack, A. T. (2016). The role of the insular cortex in retaliation. Plos One, 11(4), e0152000.
Brugman, S., Lobbestael, J., von Borries, A. K. L., Bulten, E. B., Cima, M., Schuhmann, T., (Emmerling) Dambacher, F. & Arntz, A. (2016). Cognitive predictors of violent incidents in forensic psychiatric inpatients. Psychiatry Research, 237, 229-237.
(Emmerling) Dambacher, F., Schuhmann, T., Lobbestael, J., Arnzt, A., Brugman, S. & Sack, A. T. (2015). No effects of bilateral tDCS over inferior frontal gyrus on response inhibition and aggression. Plos One, 10(7), e0132170.
(Emmerling) Dambacher, F., Schuhmann, T., Lobbestael, J., Arnzt, A., Brugman, S. & Sack, A. T. (2015). Reducing proactive aggression through Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 10(10), 1303-9.
Brugman, S., Lobbestael, J., Arntz, A., Cima, M., Schuhmann, T., (Emmerling) Dambacher, F., & Sack, A. T. (2014). Identifying cognitive predictors of reactive and proactive aggression. Aggressive Behavior, 41(1), 51-64.
(Emmerling) Dambacher, F., Sack, A. T., Lobbestael, J., Arntz, A., Brugman, S., & Schuhmann, T. (2014). The Role of Right Prefrontal and Medial Cortex in Response Inhibition: Interfering with Action Restraint and Action Cancellation Using Transcranial Magnetic Brain Stimulation. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 26(8), 1775-84.
(Emmerling) Dambacher, F., Sack, A.T., Lobbestael, J., Arnzt, A., Brugman, S. & Schuhmann, T. (2014). Out of control: Evidence for anterior insula involvement in motor impulsivity and reactive aggression. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 10(4), 508-16. Amongst the top-10-most-cited SCAN papers of the year.
(Emmerling) Dambacher, F., Sack, A. T., Lobbestael, J., Arntz, A., Brugman, S., & Schuhmann, T. (2014). A network approach to response inhibition: dissociating functional connectivity of neural components involved in action restraint and action cancellation. The European journal of neuroscience, 39(5), 821–831.
Conference presentations
Cichor, J. E., Hubner, S., Peus, C., & Emmerling, F. (2020, August). I, Robot – or Leader? Investigating Transformational and Transactional Behavior in Robot Leaders. In J. Cao (Chair), Get Ready for Working With AI: AI Influences on both Employees and Organizations. Paper accepted for presentation at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM) in Vancouver, Canada.
Cichor, J. E., Egorov, M., & Plecher, D. A. (2020, August). Character Design and Interaction - Effects on Social Presence in Virtual Reality. Paper accepted for presentation at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM) in Vancouver, Canada.
Cichor, J. E., Hubner, S., Peus, C., & Emmerling, F. (2020, March). I, Robot – or Leader? Investigating Transformational and Transactional Behavior in Robot Leaders. Paper accepted for presentation at the 62nd Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP) in Jena, Germany.
Cichor, J. E., Egorov, M., Plecher, D. A., Peus, C., & Emmerling, F. (2020, March). Everything Starts with a Handshake – Effects of Character Design and Interactions on Social Presence in Virtual Reality. Paper accepted for presentation at the 62nd Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP) in Jena, Germany.
Kunde, H., Emmerling, F., & Peus, C. (2020, March). Novel advances in measuring implicit and explicit group evaluations. Paper accepted for presentation at the 62nd Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP) in Jena, Germany.
Cichor, J. E., Hubner, S., Benz, T., & Peus, C. (2019, September). Warum der Umgang mit Robotern in Führungsrollen die Reflektion falscher Annahmen, Utopien, Angstvorstellungen und ethischer Fragen erfordert. Paper presented at the 11th conference of the section Work-, Organizational- and Business psychology (AOW) of the German Psychological Society (DGPs) in Braunschweig, Germany.
Egorov, M., Cichor, J. E., & Plecher, D. (2019, September). Führungskräfteentwicklung in der digitalisierten Arbeitswelt: Ein Virtual Reality-basierter Ansatz. Paper presented at the 11th conference of the section Work-, Organizational- and Business psychology (AOW) of the German Psychological Society (DGPs) in Braunschweig, Germany.
Cichor, J. E., Egorov, M., Plecher, D. A., Schmid, E., & Peus, C. (2019, June). Everything Starts with a Handshake: Effects of Character Design and Character Interactions on Leadership Development in Virtual Reality. Poster presented at the 5th International Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality Conference (IAVR) in Munich, Germany.
Cubillos-Pinilla, LY., Emmerling, F. & Pfister, R. (2019, June). Internal goals over external rules? – The cognitive and differential mechanisms underlying conditional rule breaking. Paper presented at TRACE Workshop, Würzburg, Deutschland.
Emmerling, F. (2018, September). Virtual reality – the Swiss army knife in behavioural training? Working between the poles of internal and external validity. Paper presented at the Congress of the German Society for Psychology (DGPS), Frankfurt, Germany
Emmerling, F. (2018, September). Manipulation of pro-sociality and rule-following with Non-invasive Brain Stimulation. Paper presented at the Congress of the German Society for Psychology (DGPS), Frankfurt, Germany
Emmerling, F., Gross, J., & Sack, A. T. (2017, July). Manipulation of Obedience with Non-invasive Brain Stimulation. Paper presented at the International Meeting of the European Association for Social Psychology, Granada, Spain
Emmerling, F., Gross, J., Sack, A. T. (2017, March). Manipulation of Obedience with Non-invasive Brain Stimulation. Paper presented at the International Convention of Psychological Science, Vienna, Austria
Dambacher (Emmerling), F., Schuhmann, T., Lobbestael, J., Arntz, A., Brugmann, S., & Sack, A. T. (2014, November). Shifting the balance: Interfering with motor inhibition and reactive aggression by inducing fronto-cortical asymmetry using transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C., USA
Dambacher (Emmerling), F., Sack, A. T., Lobbestael, J., Arntz, A., Brugmann, S., & Schuhmann, T. (2014, June). Out of control: Evidence for anterior insula involvement in motor impulsivity and reactive aggression. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Hamburg, Germany
Dambacher (Emmerling), F., Sack, A. T., Lobbestael, J., Arntz, A., Brugmann, S., & Schuhmann, T. (2013, November). The role of right prefrontal cortex in response inhibition: Interfering with action restraint and action cancellation using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA
Dambacher (Emmerling), F., Sack, A. T., Lobbestael, J., Arntz, A., & Schuhmann, T. (2013, February). The role of inhibitory control in aggression: A project employing functional Magnetic Imaging (fMRI) and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). Paper presented at the European Winterschool on Novel Insights into Antisocial Behavior, Seeon, Germany
Dambacher (Emmerling), F., Sack, A. T., Lobbestael, J., Arntz, A., & Schuhmann, T. (2012, July). The role of inhibitory control in aggression - an fMRI study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Research on Aggression, Luxembourg