Dr. Ilse Hagerer
Office hours: by appointment (please e-mail)
Room: Arcisstr. 21, Building 0505, Intermediate Story, Room Z565
E-Mail: ilse.hagerer (at) tum.de
Fon: +49 89 289 24094
Fax: +49 89 289 24093
Dr. Ilse Hagerer joined the Chair of Research and Science Management in October 2022 as a postdoctoral researcher. Her research focuses on higher education management, diversity, leadership, and the influence of digitalization on organizations. Previously, she was part of the BMBF-funded research projects PlayMINT and MINT@Work at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and did research on diversity management and women in leadership positions, particularly in STEM.
In February 2021 she defended her PhD at Osnabrück University, which focused on higher education management, especially effective organizational structures of faculties. She received a master’s and bachelor’s degree in economics and business administration at Fernuniversität Hagen. Additionally, she holds a degree from Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich (LMU) in German Philology, Philosophy, and Sociology (M.A.).
Short Bio
Since 10/2022 | Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Chair of Research and Science Management, Technical University of Munich |
2020 – 2022 | Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Chair of Strategy and Organization, Technical University of Munich |
February 2021 | Dissertation in higher education management, Osnabrück University |
2014 - 2020 | Scientific associate and PhD researcher at the Chair for Organization and Information Systems, Osnabrueck University |
2014 | Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Economics and Business Administration, Fernuniversität Hagen |
2011 | Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Economics and Business Administration, Fernuniversität Hagen |
2007 | Master of Arts (Magistra Artium) in German Philology, Philosophy, Sociology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) |
Peer-reviewed publications and conference proceedings
Hagerer, I. (2024). Digitale Transformation im Wissenschaftsmanagement - Wie Instrumente organisationalen Lernens helfen, Barrieren und Widerstand zu überwinden. Personal in Hochschule und Wissenschaft entwickeln 2, 173-186.
Gengler, E., Hagerer, I., & Gales, A. (2024). Diversity bias in artificial intelligence. In J. Passmore, S. Diller, S. Isaacson, & M. Brantl (Eds.), The Digital and AI Coaches' Handbook (pp. 229-240). Routledge, Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.4324/9781003383741-23
Hagerer, I, (2022). It is still about bureaucracy in German faculties. Tertiary Education and Management 28(4), 335-352. doi: 10.1007/s11233-022-09112-9
Hagerer, I. (2021). Identification and analysis of effectiveness criteria, contextual factors and dimensions of the organizational structure for German faculties (Dissertation, Economics and Business administration), Osnabrueck University, library, [online], https://repositorium.ub.uni-osnabrueck.de/handle/urn:nbn:de:gbv:700-202102264059
Hagerer, I., Treffers, T. (shared first authorship), Hoffmann, A., Richly, C., Baier, S., & Welpe, I. (2020, September). PlayMINT - Still Playing or Already Leading? Design of a Digital Learning Game to Promote Female STEM Students’ Innovative Work Behavior and Digital Leadership. Paper presented at the meeting of the 14th European Conference on Game Based Learning in Brighton, UK. doi: 10.34190/GBL.20.177
Hagerer, I., & Hoppe, U. (2020, June). What matters most for German faculty management: Identifying contextual factors of faculty organization. Paper presented at the meeting of the 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) in Dubai, UAE.
Hagerer, I. (2020, June). Faculty management after higher education reforms – exploring the organizational structure of faculties considering their context factors. Paper presented at the meeting of the 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’ 20) in Valencia, Spain. doi: 10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11239
Hagerer, I, (2019). Universities act differently: identification of organizational effectiveness criteria for faculties. Tertiary Education and Management 25(3), 273-287. doi: 10.1007/s11233-019-09031-2
Hagerer, I., & Hoppe, U. (2019, June). German Universities as Actors in Organizational Design – A Qualitative Study. Paper presented at the meeting of the 5th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’ 19) in Valencia, Spain. doi: 10.4995/HEAD19.2019.9333
Hagerer, I. (2017, June). Building Ideal Types of Faculties According to the New Public Management. Paper presented at the meeting of the Future of Education Conference in Florence, Italy.
Vogelsang, K., Hagerer, I., Hoppe, U., & Liere-Netheler, K. (2017, September). Development of an evaluation for blended learning concepts. Paper presented at the meeting of the 15. e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik, Gesellschaft für Informatik in Chemnitz, Germany.
Vogelsang, K., Hagerer, I., Hoppe, U., & Liere-Netheler, K. (2017, July). Analysis of the use of digital media to design a blended learning environment by the example of a master course lecture. Paper presented at the meeting of the 5th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications (EISTA) in Orlando, FL, USA.
Hagerer, I. (2016, June). How Academic Reforms Change the Organizational Design of Universities. Paper presented at the meeting of the 2nd International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’ 16) in Valencia, Spain. doi: 10.4995/HEAd16.2016.2825
Conference presentations (selected)
Hagerer, I. (2021; March). Diversity im Betrieb. Chancen für Männer? Männer-Leben-Beruf, Tutzing, Germany.
Hagerer, I. (2021, February). PlayMINT! Spielerische Förderung von Studentinnen in eine unternehmerische MINT Karriere. „Komm mach MINT“-Netzwerktagung“, virtual.
Hagerer, I. (2019, August). Towards Theory Formation about Faculties Using A Contingency Approach. CHER 32nd Annual Conference, Kassel, Germany.
Hagerer, I. (2017, October). Analysis of organizational effectiveness of faculties in different situations. INCHER Summer School, Kassel, Germany.
Hagerer, I. (2017, March). Einflussfaktoren auf die Organisationsgestaltung von Fakultäten im Rahmen des New Public Managements. 12th GfHf-Jahrestagung in Hannover, Germany.
Hagerer, I. (2016, April). Organisationsgestaltung von Fakultäten nach der Hochschulreform. 11th GfHf-Jahrestagung in Munich, Germany.