Relevant References
Braun, S., & Peus, C. (2018). Crossover of Work–Life Balance Perceptions: Does Authentic Leadership Matter? Journal of Business Ethics, 149(4), 875-893.
Gloor, J. L., Li, X., & Puhl, R. M. (2018). Predictors of parental leave support: Bad news for (big) dads and a policy for equality. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 21(5), 810-830. doi: 10.1177/1368430217751630
Gloor, J. L. (2017, July). Caring leaders (and leaders who care). Workgroup led at the Organisation & Arbeit Workshop in Regensburg, Germany.
Gloor, J. L., Horvath, L. K., Braun, S., & Peus, C. (2017, July). Caring leaders: The impact of parental leave on the perception of transformational leadership. Paper accepted for presentation at the Biannual Meeting of the European Association for Social Psychology in Granada, Spain.
Horvath, L. K., Grether, T., & Wiese, B. S. (2016, January). Leadership as a barrier for fathers' parental leaves? Poster presented at the 3rd Israel Organizational Behavior Conference, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Braun, S., & Peus, C. (2014): Führungskompetenz. Wertschöpfung durch Werte. [Leadership competencies. Adding value through values?]. PERSONAL-Quarterly (1), S. 28-33.
Peus, C. (2011). Money over man versus caring and compassion? Challenges for today‘s organizations and their leaders. Journal of Organizational Behavior 32(7), S. 955-960.