
Spannende Aufgaben am Lehrstuhl für Forschungs- und Wissenschaftsmanagement

Dr. Martin Fladerer visits the School of Psychology at The University of Queensland (Brisbane, Australia) for the continuation and initiation of joint research projects supported by the TUM Global Incentive Fund

Cichor, Hubner-Benz, Benz, Emmerling, & Peus: Robot leadership – Investigating human perceptions and reactions towards social robots showing leadership behaviors

Emmerling, Peus, & Lobbestael: The hot and the cold in destructive leadership: Modeling the role of arousal in explaining leader antecedents and follower consequences of abusive supervision versus exploitative leadership

Dr. Franziska Emmerling Takes on New Challenges

Dutz, Hubner, Emmerling, & Peus: Sure you are ready? Gendered arguments in recruitment for high-status positions in male-dominated fields

Dr. Eleni Georganta Leaves our Chair

Hagerer, I.: It is still about bureaucracy in German faculties

The Neurophysiological Leadership Lab Presents Its Research

Dr. Selina Stracke Leaves our Chair