Picture of Cafer Bakac

Dr. phil. Cafer Bakac

Technical University of Munich

Chair of Psychology (Prof. Kehr)

Office Hours

By appointment, please e-mail.

Research Interests

  • Implicit motives and their correlates such as intrinsic motivation and negotiation initiation
  • Explicit motives and their correlates like goal striving
  • Implicit-explicit motive incongeuency and congruency
  • Moderators of motive congruency such as mindfulness and emotional awareness

Further Research Interests

Apart from the topics listed above, I am very much interested in:

  • Statistics
  • Research Methods for Psychology
  • Developing interactive web applications for automatizing difficult statistical analyses using Shiny

Bachelor's and Master's Theses

If you are interested in a bachelor or master thesis in one of the above mentioned research areas, please do not hesitate to contact me by e-mail.


Kluger, A. N., Lehmann, M., Aguinis, H., Itzchakov, G., Gordoni, G., Zyberaj, J., & Bakaç, C. (2023). A meta-analytic systematic review and theory of the effects of perceived listening on work outcomes. Journal of Business and Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10869-023-09897-5

Bakaç, C., & Kehr, H. M. (2023). Unpacking the relationship between fear motives and self-control strategies among managers: The mediating role of intrusive thoughts. Behavioral Sciences13(5), 384. https://doi.org/10.3390/bs13050384

Berg, A.-K., Bakaç, C., & Kauffeld, S. (2023). Modeling (in)congruence in groups: A how-to guide for applying polynomial regression and response surface method to multilevel data. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/gdn0000200

Bakaç, C., Kehr, H. M.(2023). Getting to the bargaining table: The role of explicit motives and traits in negotiation initiation. Personality and Individual Differences, 205https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2023.112099

Zyberaj, J., & Bakaç, C. (2022). Insecure yet resourceful: Psychological capital mitigates the negative effects of employees’ career insecurity on their career satisfaction. Behavioral Sciences,12(12), 473. https://doi.org/10.3390/bs12120473

Zyberaj, J., Bakaç, C. [shared first authorship], & Seibel, S. (2022). Latent transition analysis in organizational psychology: A simplified "how to" guide by using an applied example. Frontiers in

Kehr, H.M., Graff, D. [shared first authorship] & Bakaç, C. (2022). Followers’ motives as moderators of the effects of transformational leadership behaviors on follower outcomes and leaders’ influence. Journal of Business and Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10869-022-09826-y

Bakaç, C., Kehr, H. M. & Lang, J. W. B. (2022). Linking implicit motives and explicit motives with negotiation performance. Academy of Management Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2022.15825abstract

Kehr, H. M., Bakaç, C. [shared first authorship], Jais, M., Brunner, D., Voigt, J., & Holzemer, L. (2022). The role of death-anxiety-induced fear of COVID-19 in compliance with and acceptance of government-issued COVID-19 regulations.  Frontiers in Psychology13, Article 881603. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.881603

Bakaç, C., Zyberaj, J.[shared first authorship] & Barela, J.C. (2021). Predicting employee telecommuting preferences and job outcomes amid COVID-19 pandemic: a latent profile analysis. Current Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-02496-8

Bakaç, C., Chen, Y., Zyberaj, J., Kehr, H. M., & Quirin, M. (2021). Perceived intrinsic motivation mediates the effect of motive incongruence on job burnout and job satisfaction. The Journal of Psychology, 1–21. https://doi.org/10.1080/00223980.2021.1980758

Jais, M., Bakac, C., Kehr, H. M., Baumann, N., & Quirin, M. (2021). Misattribution of duties as free choices: The role of emotional awareness in self-infiltration. Acta Psychologica, 220, Article 103401. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actpsy.2021.103401

Kehr, H. M., Graff, D. [Shared first authorship], & Bakaç, C. (2020). Implicit motives as missing link between transformational leadership behaviors and follower outcomes. Academy of Management Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2020.76

Mok, S.Y., Bakaç, C. & Froehlich, L. (2020). ‘My family’s goals are also my goals’: the relationship between collectivism, distal utility value, and learning and career goals of international university students in Germany. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance.https://doi.org/10.1007/s10775-020-09447-y

Deng, M., Aich, G., Bakaç, C., & Gartmeier, M. (2020). Fictional video cases on parent-teacher conversations: Authenticity in the eyes of teachers and teacher education students. Education Sciences, 10(3), 63. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci10030063

Bakaç, C., Kehr, H. M., & Lang, J. W. B. (2023, May). Linking implicit motives and explicit motives with negotiation outcomes. In M. Runge & J. W. B. Lang (Chair). Predicting leadership, negotiation, aggression, and faking: With implicit measures [Symposium], 21st European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) Conference, Katowice, Poland.

Bakaç, C., Kehr, & H. M. (2022). Getting to the bargaining table: the role of motives and traits in
negotiation initiation. Poster presentation at the conference " 52. Kongress der Deutschen
Gesellschaft für Psychologie", Hildesheim, Germany.

Bakaç, C., Kehr, H. M., & Lang, J. W. B. (2022, August 05-09). Linking implicit motives
and explicit motives with negotiation performance. 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of
Management, Seattle, Washington, USA.

Berg, A.-K., Bakaç, C., & Kauffeld, S. (2022, July). Looking at the bright side of “Tit For Tat”:
Congruence effects of social support in teams. Poster presented at 17. Annual INGRoup
Conference, Hamburg.

Kluger, A. N., Lehmann, M., Aguinis, H., Itzchakov, G., Gordoni, G., Zyberaj, J., & Bakaç, C. (2022, May 26-29). A registered systematic review and meta-analyses of the associations of perceived listening and job outcomes. In A. N. Kluger (Chair). Listening (or Not) at Work: The Consequences [Symposium], 2022 APS Annual Convention, Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Bakaç, C., Kehr, H. M., & Lang, J. W. B. (2022, January). Linking implicit motives and explicit motives with negotiation outcomes. In M. Runge & J. W. B. Lang (Chair). Implicit personality measurement in WOP: New findings and practical applications [Symposium], 20th European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) Conference, Glasgow, Scotland (cancelled due to Covid-19).

Bakaç, C., & Kehr, H. M. (2021, September). Motivational determinants of negotiation behaviors: Investigating the role of implicit and explicit motives. 12. Congress for Work, Organizational, and Economic Psychology and Human Factors of German Psychological Society, Chemnitz.

Berg, A., Bakaç, C., Müller-Frommeyer, L.C., & Kauffeld, S. (2021, July). Be good to one another – Modelling social support temporal interactions in teams. Paper presented at 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.

Bakaç, C., Zyberaj, J., & Barela, J. C. (2020, August). Predicting telecommuting preferences and job outcomes amid COVID-19 pandemic: A latent profile analysis. 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Published online in the "Organizational Behavior Division Rapid Research Plenary: COVID-19 & Organizational Behavior". For a short video and abstract, please follow this link

Kehr, H. M., Graff, M. [Shared first authorship], & Bakaç, C. (2020, August). Implicit motives as missing link between transformational leadership behaviors and follower outcomes. 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.

Jais, M. O. W., Hofbeck, S., Bakaç, C., Kehr, H. M., & Quirin, M. (2019). Like a Blade of Grass in the Storm... Individuals being Sensitive Yet Strong Show Less Alienation. Poster presentation at the conference "The Depth of the Self - Implicit Motives and Human Flourishing", Würzburg, Germany.  

Jais, M. O. W., Hofbeck, S., Bakaç, C., Kehr, H. M., & Quirin, M. (2019). Are my Goals Truly my Goals? Personality Effects on Alienation After Ostracism. Poster presentation at the 31st Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention and 12th anniversary meeting of the Society for the Science of Motivation, Washington, DC.

Mok, S. Y., Bakaç, C., Seidel, T., & Froehlich, L. (2018, February). Welche Rolle spielen familiäre Verpflichtungen und die Nützlichkeit von gegenwärtigen Lernaufgaben für zukunftsbezogene Karriereziele von kollektivistisch-orientierten Studierenden? Vortrag auf der 6. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF) in Basel (Schweiz).


Wintersemester 2023/24

LV-Nr.TitelTermineDauerArtVortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
MGT001243VIntroduction to Statistics Using R (MGT001243, englisch)Link4VO
WI001121VOOrganizational Behavior (WI001121, englisch)Link2VO

Sommersemester 2024

LV-Nr.TitelTermineDauerArtVortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
MGT001243VIntroduction to Statistics Using R (MGT001243)Link4VO