Strategizing and transformations that impact
Welcome to the Chair of Strategic and International Management!

At the Chair of Strategic and International Management research, teaching, and collaboration with business practice are focused on strategizing and transformations that impact. We look at firms, contexts, and success; and develop and transfer strategy and governance practices that apply in dynamic environments. Currently, we work on the following projects (selection):
Strategy&techology research (Firm strategy/strategizing, technology, and success)
Strategy&global contexts research ((De)Growth, (de)globalization, and success)
Theory of the firm research
We are guided by the ambition to make a difference. [more...]

TUM Executive Education Award for Teaching Excellence awarded to Professor Hutzschenreuter
On the occasion of the graduation ceremony of TUM School of Management on November 25, 2023, Professor Hutzschenreuter was awarded the "TUM Executive Education Award for Teaching Excellence" by Professor Claudia Peus

Professor Hutzschenreuter's article "Wer haftet, muss auch ein Recht auf Gewinn haben" published in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Professor Hutzschenreuter's article "Wer haftet, muss auch ein Recht auf Gewinn haben" is published in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung of July 22, 2024, p. 16.
May 7, 2024 - Interview with Professor Hutzschenreuter for Galileo, Deconstructed Starbucks
Galileo, May 7, 2024, 19.05
Professor Hutzschenreuter comments on Starbucks’ Internationalization strategy

New Master course "Strategic Decision Making and Business Simulation"
Starting from summer semester 2024, we offer the new course "Strategic Decision Making and Business Simulation". Fore more information click here

Our new revised teaching program is now online!
Fore more information click here
New program „Strategizing in turbulent environments“ started in September 2022
Starting from September 2022, Professor Hutzschenreuter has offered a new timely strategy program. Watch out and don’t miss.

Professor Hutzschenreuter's article "Zahlen sind nicht immer wahr" published in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Professor Hutzschenreuter's article "Zahlen sind nicht immer wahr" is published in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung of December 27, 2022, p. 18.
Geopolitics moves corporate ownership, governance, and strategy
Professor Hutzschenreuter's and Dr. Sebastian Jans’ new book is available. It discusses in detail how the largest 100+ German public industrial firms (HDAX) have changed over the past 30+ years. For the first time we were able to combine large scale longitudinal data on the level of each individual firm for the dimensions of ownership, governance, and strategy. The book shows the origin of the "Germany AG", its dissolution, and the reorientation of public German industrial firms in a globalized world. We disentangle the link between geopolitical changes and its consequences for changes of ownership, governance, and strategy. Our reasoning can be used to prescribe how the current geopolitical turbulences will result in corporate transformations.
Congratulations to Herr Dr. Jans!

On June 28, Sebastian Jans successfully defended his dissertation titled “Ownership and Scope in German publicly listed Corporations”.
The dissertation builds on the idea that owners of publicly listed corporations differ and that they may have differing effects on firm-level outcomes such as scope. The thesis provides detailed record of the development of ownership and scope in German publicly listed corporations from 1997 to 2015 and establishes a new approach to ownership structures. In addition, from a theoretical perspective, the thesis explores the application of institutional theory to the ownership-scope relationship and derives hypotheses on the impact of family ownership based on this theoretical lens.
Sebastian, well accomplished! All the best for the future in your new job and beyond! We are very much looking forward to continuing this project and new joint ones.

Professor Hutzschenreuter’s new book „Das Unternehmen als Versuch und Institution" is available!
This book discusses what firms are. One might think this is clear, but it is not. If you consider reading this book, please be warned: it might shake your view on firms and management and let you see them through new eyes. The book comes to the conclusion that firms are attempts not only in the moment of their foundation, but throughout their entire life time. This has significant implications for leadership, management, governance, and ownership.

Professor Hutzschenreuter's article "Künstliche Intelligenz hat Tücken" published in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Professor Hutzschenreuter's article "Künstliche Intelligenz hat Tücken" is published in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung of February 7, 2022, p. 16.

Professor Hutzschenreuter has been interviewed on focus strategies of German listed companies and in particular on current spin-offs and split-ups of large diversified firms
Tagesschau24, January 25, 2022, 09.00 - 09.30.

TUM Executive Education Award for Teaching Excellence awarded to Professor Hutzschenreuter
On the occasion of the graduation celebration of TUM School of Management on November 23, 2018, the "TUM Executive Education Award for Teaching Excellence" was presented to Professor Hutzschenreuter by Professor Claudia Peus.