Publications in peer reviewed journals
Sarkar-Sengupta, A., Kleindienst, I., Hutzschenreuter, T., 2023. Heterogenous internationalization processes of emerging economy MNEs: A review and research agenda. Journal of International Management, 29(3): 101032.
Verbeke, A., Hutzschenreuter, T., Pyasi, N. 2021. The dark side of B2B relationships in GVCs – Micro-foundational influences and strategic governance tools. Journal of Business Research, 135: 816-828.
Verbeke, A., Hutzschenreuter, T., 2021. Imposing versus Enacting Commitments for the Long-Term Energy Transition: Perspectives from the Firm. British Journal of Management, 32(3): 569-578.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Harhoff, Ph.-L. 2021. The accelerating effect of institutional environment unfamiliarity on subsidiary portfolio expansion in a hew host country. International Business Review, 30(3): 101793.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Borchers, S.-A., Harhoff, Ph.-L. 2021. Competitors matter: How competitors' actions moderate the influence of firm profitability on the prioritization between growth and efficiency increase. Managerial and Decision Economics, 42(2): 326-342.
Verbeke, A., Hutzschenreuter, T. 2021. The dark side of digital globalization. Academy of Management Perspectives, 35(4): 606-621.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Harhoff, Ph.-L. 2020. National capital city location and subsidiary portfolio expansion: The negative effect of geographic distance to the capital city at inception on the speed of subsequent investments. Journal of International Business Studies, 51(7): 1107-1132.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Han, U.-S., Kleindienst, I. 2020. Exploring managerial intentionality. Managerial and Decision Economics, 41(3): 406-414.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Matt, T., Kleindienst, I. 2020. Going subnational: A literature review and research agenda. Journal of World Business, 55(4): 1-14.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Kleindienst, I., Greger, C. 2018. Seeking distinctiveness through divestments: CEO succession and the effect of demographic similarity on the divestment of predecessor's investments. Managerial and Decision Economics, 39(4): 462-474.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Matt, T. 2017. MNE Internationalization patterns, the roles of knowledge stocks, and the portfolio of MNE subsidiaries. Journal of International Business Studies, 48(9), 1131-1150.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Kleindienst, I., Günther, C., Hammes, M. 2016. Speed of Internationalization of New Business Units: The Impact of Direct and Indirect Learning. Management International Review, 56(6), 849-878.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Kleindienst, I., Lange, S. 2016. The concept of distance in international business research: A review and research agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews, 18(2): 160-179.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Kleindienst, I., Greger, C. 2015. What determines demographic similarity between incumbent CEOs and their successors? A CEO informal power perspective. Managerial and Decision Economics, 36(7): 421–438.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Kleindienst, I., Lange, S. 2014. Added psychic distance stimuli and MNE performance: Performance effects of added cultural, governance, geographic, and economic distance in MNEs' international expansion. Journal of International Management, 20(1): 38–54.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Kleindienst, I., Groene, F., Verbeke, A. 2014. Corporate strategic responses to foreign entry: Insights from prospect theory. Multinational Business Review, 22(3): 294–323.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Kleindienst, I., Schmitt, M. 2014. How mindfulness and acquisition experience affect acquisition performance. Management Decision, 52(6): 1116–1147.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Horstkotte, J. 2013. Performance effects of top management team demographic faultlines in the process of product diversification. Strategic Management Journal, 34(6): 704–726.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Horstkotte, J. 2013. Managerial services and complexity in a firm's expansion process: An empirical study of the impact on the growth of the firm. European Management Journal, 31(2): 137–151.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Horstkotte, J. 2013. Performance effects of international expansion processes: The moderating role of top management team experiences. International Business Review, 22(1): 259–277.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Kleindienst, I. 2013. (How) does discretion change over time? A contribution toward a dynamic view of managerial discretion. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 29(3): 264–281.
Manning, S., Hutzschenreuter, T., Strathmann, A. 2013. Emerging capability or continuous challenge? Relocating knowledge work and managing process interfaces. Industrial and Corporate Change, 22(5): 1159–1193.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Kleindienst, I., Greger, C. 2012. How new leaders affect strategic change following a succession event: A critical review of the literature. The Leadership Quarterly, 23(5): 729–755.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Kleindienst, I., Schmitt, M. 2012. Path-related empirical research on M&A-outcome: Review and research agenda. Review of Managerial Science, 6(4): 375–405.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Metten, M., Weigand, J. 2012. Wie unabhängig sind deutsche Aufsichtsräte? Eine empirische Analyse von 527 DAX-Aufsichtsratsmitgliedern. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 82(7-8): 717–744.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Voll, J. C., Verbeke, A. 2011. The impact of added cultural distance and cultural diversity on international expansion patterns: A Penrosean perspective. Journal of Management Studies, 48(2): 305–329.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Lewin, A. Y., Dresel, S. 2011. Governance modes for offshoring activities: A comparison of US and German firms. International Business Review, 20(3): 291–313.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Lewin, A. Y., Dresel, S. 2011. Time to success in offshoring business processes – A multi level analysis. Management International Review, 51(1): 65–92.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Lewin, A. Y., Ressler, W. 2011. The growth of white-collar offshoring: Germany and the US from 1980 to 2006. European Management Journal, 29(4): 245–259.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Kleindienst, I., von Bieberstein, B. 2011. When more can be less: The perceived value of additional FDI in the same host country. Multinational Business Review, 19(4): 332–356.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Han, U.-S., Kleindienst, I. 2010. Exploring the role of managerial intentionality in international business. Advances in International Management, 23: 113–136.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Horstkotte, J. 2010. Knowledge transfer to partners: A firm level perspective. Journal of Knowledge Management, 14(3):428–448.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Groene, F. 2009. Product and geographic scope changes of multinational enterprises in response to international competition. Journal of International Business Studies, 40(7): 1149–1170. Winner of the VHB Best Paper Award 2010.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Groene, F. 2009. Changing vertical integration strategies under pressure from foreign competition: The case of US and German multinationals. Journal of Management Studies, 46(2): 269–307. Winner of the JMS Best Paper Award 2009.
Hutzschenreuter, T., D'Aveni, R., Voll, J. C. 2009. Temporal and geographical patterns of internationalization ‐ An exploratory analysis. Multinational Business Review, 17(4): 45–75.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Günther, F. 2009. Complexity as a constraint on firm expansion within and across industries. Managerial and Decision Economics, 30(6): 373-392.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Israel, S. 2009. A review of empirical research on dynamic competitive strategy. International Journal of Management Reviews, 11(4): 421–461.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Voll, J. C. 2008. Performance effects of "added cultural distance" in the path of international expansion: The case of German multinational enterprises. Journal of International Business Studies, 39(1): 53–70.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Guenther, F. 2008. Performance effects of firms' expansion paths within and across industries and nations. Strategic Organization, 6(1): 47–81.
Hutzschenreuter, T. 2008. Zum Einfluss der Wachstumsdiskontinuität auf die Unternehmensperformance. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 78(7-8): 735–751.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Pedersen, T., Volberda, H. W. 2007. The role of path dependency and managerial intentionality: A perspective on international business research. Journal of International Business Studies, 38(7): 1055–1068.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Listner, F. 2007. A contingency view on knowledge transfer: Empirical evidence from the software industry. Knowledge Management Research and Practice, 5: 136–150.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Voll, J. 2007. Internationalisierungspfad und Unternehmenserfolg - Implikationen kultureller Distanz in der Internationalisierung. Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung: ZfbF, 59(7): 814-846.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Kleindienst, I. 2006. Strategy-process research: What have we learned and what is still to be explored. Journal of Management, 32(5): 673–720.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Günther, F. 2006. Aufbauorganisation und Wertschöpfungsstruktur von Online-Tageszeitungen – Eine dynamische Betrachtung im Lichte von Etablierung und Krise. Medien Wirtschaft - Zeitschrift für Medienmanagement und Kommunikationsökonomie, 3(1): 16-32.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Günther, F., Oehring, B. 2005. Internationalization of young, fast growing companies: An exploratory study of the organisational design of the headquarters-subsidiary relationship. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 18(1): 75-100.
Hutzschenreuter, T. 2005. Zur Wahl der Realisierungsformen für Qualifizierungsmaßnahmen. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 75(6): 573-593.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Espel, P., Schneemann, A. 2004. Marketingoptionen in der Musik- und Filmindustrie. Medien Wirtschaft - Zeitschrift für Medienmanagement und Kommunikationsökonomie, 1(2): 61-73.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Günther, F. 2004. Kundenbindung und Kundenneugewinnung durch Online-Ausgaben in der Tageszeitungsbranche. Die Unternehmung, 58(3/4) 197-211.
Enders, A., Hutzschenreuter, T. 2003. Market Strategies and Business Models for Internet-Based Management Education: Implications for Knowledge Management. International Journal of Electronic Business, 1(2) 152-167.
Hutzschenreuter, T., Enders, A. 2002. Gestaltung Internet-basierter Studienangebote im Markt für Managementbildung, Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 54(3.Q.): 543-562.
Hutzschenreuter, T. 2001. Organisation von Internet-Aktivitäten in etablierten Mehrproduktunternehmen. Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation, 70(4): 206-212.
Hungenberg, H., Hutzschenreuter, T. 1998. Postreform - Umgestaltung des Post- und Telekommunikationssektors in Deutschland. Die Betriebswirtschaft, 58: 7–21.