Master Theses


If you are interested in writing your Master's thesis at the Chair of Strategic and International Management on one of these topics please send an email to the contact mentioned in the description of the respective topic. Your email should contain a CV, a current transcript of records as well as a short motivation letter (max. 500 words) explaining your interest for writing your thesis about a specific topic.

Please note: We are looking forward to supervise Master’s theses in cooperation with companies if they fit with the announced topics (on top of this page). We do not supervise Master’s theses in cooperation with companies which are not related to the announced ones.

The prerequisite for writing your Master's thesis at the Chair of Strategic and International Management is the successful attendance (with a grade of 2,3 or better) of

- our module "Strategies in MNEs" resp. "Fundamentals of Strategy" (WI001128)


- one of our Advanced Seminars:
  Advanced Seminar Marketing, Strategy, Leadership & Management (MGT001342): Gaining Competitive
  Advantage with AI
  Advanced Seminar Marketing, Strategy, Leadership & Management (MGT001343): AI and the Strategizing

(no exceptions will be made here)


Our Chair announces the following new topics for master theses. These topics explicitly focus on the research projects of the Chair of Strategic and International Management.

Strategy, Digitalization, and Global Context    
Topic 1: Embracing Digital Transformation: Cases from the German Manufacturing Industry   limited places available
Topic 2: Embracing Digital Transformation: Internationalization Patterns of German MNEs in a Globalized Digital World   limited places available
Topic 3: Top Management Teams in a Globalized Digital World   limited places available
Global strategy and institutions    
Topic 4: The role of institutions in shaping corporate environmental risk – a literature review   available
Topic 5: The relationship between firm ownership and corporate internationalization   available
Topic 6: The influence of different home country environments on corporate internationalization (paths) – the role of the community   available
Topic 7:

Empirical research on the logics of institutions – a systematic overview of the current literature and findings

AI and strategizing    
Topic 8: Using AI for Strategizing: A Case Study   limited places available
Topic 9: Using AI for Managerial Decision Making: A Systematic Literature Review   fully booked
Topic 10: The Role of AI in Strategic Management: A Systematic Literature Review   fully booked
Topic 11: Strategizing in the Age of AI: An Empirical Research Study   limited places available
Topic 12: Using Technological Tools for Strategizing: A Systematic Literature Review  

fully booked

Strategic AI transformation (for competitive advantage)    
Topic 13: Strategies for Gaining Competitive Advantage with AI: A Case Study Approach   fully booked
Topic 14: Managing the Dynamic Nature of Artificial Intelligence - A Case Study Approach   only limited places available
Topic 15: The Impact of Explainability for Different Stakeholder Groups of AI Applications – A Case Study   fully booked
Topic 16: The Role of Task Characteristics for a Strategic AI Transformation – A Case Study   fully booked

Application and further process

As part of the application process a research proposal has to be written. The contact mentioned in the description of the respective topic will provide you further information about the proposal.
If the application process was successful, the master's thesis is registered with the chair.

Once your Master's thesis has been registered with the Chair of Strategic and International Management, the further procedure will be as follows:

1. Exposé incl. preliminary table of contents to be handed in before first Master thesis seminar
2. Continuing discussion of progress and open issues during Master thesis seminar (typically supported by a pptx-presentation prepared by master student and being submitted the week before the respective seminar)
3. Submission of thesis accompanied by full set of research data and pptx-presentation
4. Evaluation and feedback

The attendance of our Master Thesis Seminar is mandatory. Dates and times of these seminars will be announced by the chair which will also make the registration.