
Statistics with R: A Glimpse of the R Bootcamp at TUM's School of Management

A glimpse into the journey of learning and joint discussions during the recent R Bootcamp.

New FT50 Paper in Journal of Consumer Psychology explores Consumer-Smart Object Relationships through Text Analytics

Prof. Hartmann (TUM), Anouk Bergner (HSG) and Christian Hildebrand (HSG) publish in the FT50-ranked Journal of Consumer Psychology.

Last Day of Generative Marketing Seminar: Innovative Student Pitches and Expert Insights

The last day of our Generative Marketing seminar was a great success, with creative pitches from our students and an expert talk by Alexander Holl, the founder of 121WATT.

Prof. Hartmann speaks at the Joint Conference on Research on Text Analytics

Today, Prof. Hartmann participated in a panel discussion and presented his latest research insights from a collaboration with Columbia University and Harvard Business School

Research of Prof. Hartmann in Aftenposten news paper

Aftenposten, Norway's biggest printed newspaper, published an article on the political bias of ChatGPT. Amongst others, Prof. Hartmann's publication on "the political ideology of conversational AI" has been discussed.

Prof. Hartmann at Vienna University of Economics and Business

Prof. Hartmann leads engaging PhD seminar on generative AI at Vienna University of Economics and Business.

Prof. Hartmann holds ChatGPT workshop at KPMG

Today, Prof. Hartmann held a workshop on ChatGPT focusing on the current state and future development of large language models (LLMs) as well as their intrinsic challenges and biases.

Prof. Hartmann holds PhD seminar at HSG St. Gallen

Today, Prof. Hartmann held a research talk at the Institute of Behavioral Science and Technology (IBT)

Wirtschaftswoche: Tickt ChatGPT wirtschaftspolitisch links?

Die WirtschaftsWoche hat dem Sprachroboter ChatGPT Fragen zur Wirtschaftspolitik gestellt. Dabei zeigte sich, dass die Antwortmaschine eher zu kapitalismuskritischen als zu marktliberalen Positionen neigt.

Boston Globe: Is ChatGPT liberal or conservative? Depends who you ask.

Turns out artificial intelligence has its biases, too.