Dr. Jakub Cichor

Office hours: by appointment
Room: Leopoldstr. 139, 3rd Floor, Room 306

E-Mail: jakub.cichor (at) tum.de
Fon: +49 89 289 24056
Fax: +49 89 289 24093

Jakub Cichor is a postdoctoral research associate at the Chair of Research and Science Management, Head of Focus Area "Educational Technologies in Leadership and Expert Development" at the TUM Center for Educational Technologies (TUM EdTech Center), and a member of the TUM Neurophysiological Leadership Lab (TUM NeLeLab). He completed his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Informatics: Games Engineering at the Technical University of Munich with an emphasis on serious games, gamification, and game-based learning. He was awarded his PhD for his dissertation titled "Leadership in the Digital Age: Utilizing Social Robots and Virtual Reality in Leadership" by the TUM School of Management.

His research focuses on educational technologies at the intersection between human-computer interaction and organizational behavior, specifically on investigating social robots and AI in leadership positions and implementing Virtual Reality applications for leadership development. He also explores the use of technology in skill development, for instance in public speaking training or leader-follower interactions in a mental health context. 

Short Bio

Since 01/2024 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Chair of Research and Science Management, TUM School of Management
Since 12/2022 Head of Focus Area "Educational Technologies in Leadership and Expert Development",
TUM Center for Educational Technologies (TUM EdTech Center)
12/2023 PhD (Dr. phil), Leadership in the Digital Age: Utilizing Social Robots and Virtual Reality in Leadership
11/2018 - 12/2023
Research Associate and PhD Candidate, Chair of Research and Science Management, TUM School of Management
11/2016 - 03/2019 M.Sc. Informatics: Games Engineering, Technical University of Munich
01/2017 - 10/2018 Research assistant at the Chair of Research and Science Management,
TUM School of Management
10/2013 - 10/2016 B.Sc. Informatics: Games Engineering, Technical University of Munich


Peer-reviewed publications and conference proceedings

Cichor, J. E., Hubner-Benz, S., Benz, T., Emmerling, F., & Peus, C. (2023). Robot leadership–Investigating human perceptions and reactions towards social robots showing leadership behaviors. PloS ONE18(2). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0281786

Palmas, F., Reinelt, R., Cichor, J. E., Plecher, D. A., & Klinker, G. (2021, March). Virtual Reality Public Speaking Training: Experimental Evaluation of Direct Feedback Technology Acceptance. In 2021 IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR) (pp. 463-472). IEEE.

Palmas, F., Cichor, J. E., Plecher, D. A., & Klinker, G. (2019, October). Acceptance and Effectiveness of a Virtual Reality Public Speaking Training. In 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) (pp. 363-371). IEEE.

Conference presentations


Cichor, J. E., Hubner-Benz, S., & Peus, C. (2024, August). Sartre Meets Silicon: Trust and the Quest for Authenticity in Human-AI Teams. Paper accepted for presentation at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM) in Chicago, USA.

Cichor, J. E. & Hubner-Benz, S. (2024, August). Robot Leadership: The Effects of a Robot’s Transformational and Transactional Leadership Behaviors. Paper accepted for presentation at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM) in Chicago, USA.

Christopoulos, G., Ooms, F., Cichor, J. E., & Jit Wei, A. A. (2024, August). Eye-Tracking Methods for Management Research. Paper Development Workshop (PDW) accepted for presentation at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM) in Chicago, USA.

Cichor, J. E., Hubner-Benz, S., Emmerling, F., & Peus, C. (2023, June). Robotic Authority: Uncovering the Implications of Robot Leadership for Human Follower. Poster presented at the Organisational Neuroscience Conference in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Cichor, J. E., & Emmerling, F. (2023, January). Uncanny Valley in Motion: Varying Humanlikeness in Animated Robot Leaders Through Facial Video Synthesis. Paper presented at the 6th Israel Organizational Behavior Conference (IOBC) 2023 in Tel Aviv, Israel.

Cichor, J. E., Hubner, S., Benz, T., Emmerling, F., & Peus, C. (2022, September). Robots as Leaders – Humble Servants or Arbiters of Doom? Paper presented at the 52nd Congress of the German Society for Psychology (DGPs) in Hildesheim, Germany.

Cichor, J. E., Emmerling, F., Hubner, S., & Peus, C. (2022, August). Working for a Robot Leader – Investigating Human Perceptions and Reactions Towards Social Robots Showing Leadership Behaviors. Poster presented at the 2022 Neuroergonomics and NYC Neuromodulation Conferences in New York City, USA.

Cichor, J. E., Hubner, S., Peus, C., & Emmerling, F. (2021, September). Transformational and Transactional Robot Leader Behavior. Paper presented at the 3rd Neuroergonomics Conference 2021 in Munich, Germany (online).

Cichor, J. E., Hubner, S., Peus, C., & Emmerling, F. (2020, August). I, Robot – or Leader? Investigating Transformational and Transactional Behavior in Robot Leaders. In J. Cao (Chair), Get Ready for Working With AI: AI Influences on both Employees and Organizations. Paper presented at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM) in Vancouver, Canada (online).

Cichor, J. E., Egorov, M., & Plecher, D. A. (2020, August). Character Design and Interaction - Effects on Social Presence in Virtual Reality. Paper presented at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM) in Vancouver, Canada (online).

Cichor, J. E., Hubner, S., Peus, C., & Emmerling, F. (2020, March). I, Robot – or Leader? Investigating Transformational and Transactional Behavior in Robot Leaders. Paper accepted for presentation at the 62nd Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP) in Jena, Germany.

Cichor, J. E., Egorov, M., Plecher, D. A., Peus, C., & Emmerling, F. (2020, March). Everything Starts with a Handshake – Effects of Character Design and Interactions on Social Presence in Virtual Reality. Paper accepted for presentation at the 62nd Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP) in Jena, Germany.

Cichor, J. E., Hubner, S., Benz, T., & Peus, C. (2019, September). Warum der Umgang mit Robotern in Führungsrollen die Reflektion falscher Annahmen, Utopien, Angstvorstellungen und ethischer Fragen erfordert [Why the interaction with robots in leadership positions requires a reflection on incorrect assumptions, utopias, fears, and ethical questions]. Paper presented at the 11th conference of the section Work-, Organizational- and Business psychology (AOW) of the German Psychological Society (DGPs) in Braunschweig, Germany.

Egorov, M., Cichor, J. E., & Plecher, D. (2019, September). Führungskräfteentwicklung in der digitalisierten Arbeitswelt: Ein Virtual Reality-basierter Ansatz [Leadership development in the digital working wold: A virtual reality-based approach]. Paper presented at the 11th conference of the section Work-, Organizational- and Business psychology (AOW) of the German Psychological Society (DGPs) in Braunschweig, Germany.

Cichor, J. E., Egorov, M., Plecher, D. A., Schmid, E., & Peus, C. (2019, June). Everything Starts with a Handshake: Effects of Character Design and Character Interactions on Leadership Development in Virtual Reality. Poster presented at the 5th International Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality Conference (IAVR) in Munich, Germany.