Bachelor and Master Thesis
You have the possibility to write a bachelor or master thesis in Marketing. We assign topics and research questions that seek to advance the knowledge in our field. For currently available topics please see the bottom of the page. We post new topics during the beginning of each semester.
IMPORTANT: It is not possible to apply with your own original topic. Please apply only to available topics below.
We expect theses written at our chair to provide a relevant theoretical contribution and build on empirical work.
Bachelor Thesis
Besides a high interest in marketing and consumer behavior, all students need to have completed the module "Empirical Research Methods (WI000261)".
Master Thesis
Besides a high interest in marketing and consumer behavior, all students need to have completed at least one empirical research methods module (e.g., "Empirical Resarch Methods in Management and Economics (WI000258UE + WI000258VO)", "Consumer Behavior Research Methods (WI001175)", "Customer Insights (MGT001302V)", "Advanced Seminar Marketing, Strategy, Leadership & Management: Conducting empirical Consumer Research (MGT001454S)").
In addition, students who want to write their thesis under the supervision of either Prof. Christoph Ungemach or Nienke Buters are required to have completed the module "Consumer Analytics & Big Data (WI001178)" or an equivalent module that covers data analysis with R (e.g., "Applied statistics in R - Seminar (MGT001438S + MGT001438U)").
Please also refer to your respective study regulations for details regarding the general conditions of your final thesis and discuss them with us before starting your final thesis.
Applying for the topics advertised
If you are interested in one of the advertised topics, please send your full application via e-mail to the relative supervisor. The email should include the following:
- Letter of motivation describing your interest on the topic
- Curriculum Vitae (tabular)
- Current transcript of records
Registration of the final thesis
After our chair has accepted your application and after mutually agreeing on an outline, your final thesis can be registered at the examination office (Prüfungsamt).
Submission of the final thesis:
- via email as a PDF to the Grade Management team
- for the chair (your supervisor): electronic version of your final thesis (Word/pdf), raw data and analysis files (e.g. R, SPSS or NVivo files)
Available topics for the WS 24/25
Currently, there are not topics available for the WS 24/25.
Assigned Topics for the WS 24/25 (no longer available)
"Who lives our life? An exploration of the relative importance of our different selves" - Supervisor: Armin Granulo
"AI & Creativity" - Supervisor: Armin Granulo
"An exploration of consumption preferences for unsustainable products" Supervisor: Armin Granulo
"Lifehack Products: Understanding why and when they appeal to customers" - Supervisor: Sara Caprioli
"The Role of AI-Driven Creativity in Retail" - Supervisor: Sara Caprioli
"The Rise of Experiential Sharing" - Supervisor: Sara Caprioli