
Prof. Vera Bitsch and Johannes Owsianowski will attend the IFAMA 2024 World Conference in Almeria, Spain, 17-20 June, 2024

Prof. Vera Bitsch and Johannes Owsianowski will attend the IFAMA 2024 World Conference in Almeria, Spain, from 17-20 June, 2024. The theme of the IFAMA conference is ‚Food Security through Innovation & Sustainability‘. Prof Bitsch will present a study on ‘Mission and vision of foodsharing cafes in…

Einladung zur mündlichen Doktorprüfung Lautenschläger (Dr. rer. nat.) - Utilization potentials for hardwoods as raw material for biorefinery processes

Einladung zur mündlichen Doktorprüfung, Doctor of Science (Dr. rer. nat.) von Laura Lautenschläger zum Thema “Utilization potentials for hardwoods as raw material for biorefinery processes“ am Montag, 08.04.2024 in München und per Zoom (mehr Informationen). Prüfungsberechtigte Mitglieder der…

Herzlichen Glückwunsch an Dr. Charis Linda Braun

Herzlichen Glückwunsch an Dr. Charis Linda Braun! Wir freuen uns, dass Charis ihre Doktorarbeit sehr erfolgreich verteidigt hat. Die Dissertation untersucht Ko-Innovationprozesse in regionalen Agrar- und Ernährungssystemen am Beispiel des Bio-Gemüsesektors in der Region Berlin-Brandenburg. Durch…

Trauer um Prof. Dr. Ernst-Wilhelm Schenk

Two new colleagues are joining the team. We want to welcome Jannet John, PhD and Johannes Owsianowski.

Prof. Bitsch in New Zealand for IFAMA 2023 World Conference and Academic Symposium and Research Collaboration

Congratulations to Dr Nirit Havardi-Burger

Congratulations to Dr Nirit Havardi-Burger! Well done! We are proud to announce that Nirit Havardi-Burger has successfully defended her PhD thesis. Nirit discussed ‘A framework for sustainability assessment tailored to floricultural value chains’. Abstract of her thesis Floricultural products are…

Prof. Bitsch visits Alnarp as a member of Lisa Blix Germundsson’s examining committee at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)

On Friday, April 14, 2023, Lisa Blix Germundsson has successfully defended her doctoral thesis: Knowledge and innovation systems in Swedish horticulture - A study of multi-actor collaboration for impact. Her doctoral thesis focused on understanding how the knowledge and innovation system within…

Prof. Bitsch erneut in die Zukunftskommission Landwirtschaft berufen

Nachdem die Zukunftskommission Landwirtschaft am 29. Juni 2021 ihren einstimmig beschlossen Bericht mit Empfehlungen für ein nachhaltiges und zukunftsfähiges Agrar- und Ernährungssystem vorgelegt hatte, hat die neue Bundesregierung in Person von Minister Cem Özdemir bereits in Dezember 2021 die…

Publication in International Food and Agribusiness Management Review - Everywhere the same? Competitiveness of two regional vegetable production clusters in Southern Germany

The paper analyzes the competitiveness of two vegetable production regions in Southern Germany following Porter’s definition of industry clusters and his Diamond model, emphasizing the interplay of four bundles of determinants (factor conditions, local demand conditions, supporting industries, and…