Lecturer (assistant) | |
Number | MGT001363S |
Term | Wintersemester 2023/24 |
Language of instruction | English |
Position within curricula | See TUMonline |
- 24.10.2023 13:15-14:45 0514, Seminarraum
- 31.10.2023 13:15-14:45 0514, Seminarraum
- 07.11.2023 13:15-14:45 0514, Seminarraum
- 14.11.2023 13:15-14:45 0514, Seminarraum
- 21.11.2023 13:15-14:45 0514, Seminarraum
- 05.12.2023 13:15-14:45 0514, Seminarraum
- 12.12.2023 13:15-14:45 0514, Seminarraum
- 19.12.2023 13:15-14:45 0514, Seminarraum
- 09.01.2024 13:15-14:45 0514, Seminarraum
- 16.01.2024 13:15-14:45 0514, Seminarraum
- 23.01.2024 13:15-14:45 0514, Seminarraum
- 30.01.2024 13:15-14:45 0514, Seminarraum
- 06.02.2024 13:15-14:45 0514, Seminarraum
At the end of the module, students have knowledge of central empirical findings in decision research as well as of key theoretical approaches to analyze, understand, and evaluate decision making. In addition, the students are familiar with the criticisms and limitations of current decision research. On a general level, students will have further improved their skill to present scientific findings.
We face a perplexing array of decisions every day, including choosing what to eat, where to go on vacation, whom to date, or how to invest our money. This module gives an overview of key findings and issues in modern decision research. What is known about how people make decisions under risk? How do people make judgments under uncertainty? What are the cognitive processes underlying decisions, and what is the role of emotions in decision making? How does decision making develop across the life span? What is a good decision and how can we learn to become good decision makers? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Lg7G8TMe_A
Teaching and learning methods
In short presentations, the students present empirical articles on key findings in decision research. The module also involves small-group exercises, in which students discuss, for instance, real-world applications of findings in decision research.